Adobe Labs (Technology Previews) allows you to engage with emerging technologies, to discover valuable insights, and to influence future Analytics feature development & priorities.
Hi, this is Prithvi Bhutani with Adobe Analytics Product Management. In this video, I’m going to show you a new feature released recently in Adobe Analytics. Technology previews are what you’ll see labeled as labs within product, is a prototype portal in Adobe Analytics that empowers you to explore the latest technology while simultaneously helping shape the product roadmap. Labs provides you with early access to analytics innovations and to evaluate upcoming features within the context of your own business use cases and data. So lets take a look at how it all works. Right up here at the header level, you’ll see a new tab labeled Labs. That takes you to the portal and it will show you the prototypes that are currently live. The prototypes that are live at any given point will be different and dependent on the latest ideas we’re working on. At this point, we have four prototypes live. Two that are workspace enhancements, and two that are new data science based prototypes. You will get notified in product when there are new prototypes that are available to explore. Let’s jump into a brand new sense enabled data science prototype we’re calling Intelligent Pathing. When you hit launch, you will see a prompt reminding you that you’re entering a prototype environment. Any changes you make within this environment will not effect data collection or processing but saving any segments, calculated metrics, or alerts within this environment will persist outside as well. So just something to keep in mind as you work with the different prototypes. Right away as you enter, you’ll notice the prototype bears resemblance to analysis workspace with a few extra add-ons. First things first, every prototype will have a tutorial video that will help you get started on what the prototype is about, and how to use it. Another change to note within the prototype environment, is that you will not be able to save or share any work completed within this environment. This is because these are prototypes and not features within Adobe Analytics. Whether they become features or not, would depend on your feedback. Intelligent Pathing provides you with granular visibility into your customers journey on your digital touchpoints. It helps identify frequent journey sequences that contribute to a positive or negative customer experience it’s great to understand factors that contribute to user activity also get ahead of churn. Start with a dimension that you’d like to analyze your users journey by. The default option here is the page dimension. But you can chose others based on your use case.
Next, select a success metric and this should ideally be a conversion metric that you’d like to see the users progress to. Here I’m going to use online orders. Lastly, you can choose how many steps of the journey you want to analyze. I’m going to reduce this to 4 but you can increase or decrease this based on your analysis. When I hit build, sense a is going to kick in and Intelligent Pathing will run through all the frequent paths that your users are taking with respect to the chosen dimension towards the conversion metric. Now this can take a bit of time.
And this time taken can vary on the amount of data, and also depends on the date range and number of steps chosen. Intelligent Pathing will show you the most frequent successful paths that your users have taken towards the success metric chosen. Every path shown is an eventual path, meaning your users may have visited other pages in between. Lets take a deeper look at interpreting each path. The size of the circle depicts the number of visitors following up to this node on this path. So larger the circle, larger the population. The blue arch depicts the success metric percentage and the red arch depicts the fallout percentage from node to node. The blue link shows the increase in conversion from node to node and the red link shows a decrease in conversion. Hovering over each of these elements will show you a quick readout of what they illustrate. There are two ways for you to provide us feedback. One is by using this give feedback button at the very top. It’s a free form text field and you can provide us feedback as many times as you’d like, as you are using the prototype.
The second option, is a one time survey that pops up when you click on the leave prototype button. Once you’ve filled this out and submit it, the survey will not show up when you explore the prototype and exit again.
With that in mind, feel free to spend as much time as you’d like with the prototype before filling the survey out. So this was an overview of labs and we’re looking forward to seeing how you all use the different prototypes and your feedback on them. -
When using a Labs prototype, you get to evaluate the feature within the context of your own business use cases and data.
For more information, visit the documentation.