View Feature Access Levels’ settings under Admin section on Analytics allows you to view the level of access to Adobe Analytics packages and features that your company is entitled to. This includes: Activity Map, Advertising Analytics, Anomaly detection in alerts, etc.
Hello everyone. Today we will discuss feature access levels in Analytics. This group of settings allows you to view the level of access to Adobe Analytics packages and features that your company is entitled to. Some features are only available with more advanced product packages, such as Adobe Analytics Ultimate. To view the feature level we will navigate to admin, then all admin, company settings, and finally, to view feature access levels. In this page, you can view the Adobe Analytics package for your company, which in my case is Ultimate. Also you can find all the other features here that are enabled for your company. For example: activity map, anomaly detection, attribution IQ, classifications, contribution analysis, data repair API, also licenses, media reporting, mobile acquisition, mobile app settings, number of conversion variables, number of traffic variables, and lastly segment comparison and segment publishing. Also two of the most important features that is number of conversion variables per report suite and number of traffic variables per report suite for your company can be found here. So, this was all about feature access level in Analytics. Thank you. -