Adobe attempts to partner with clients to ensure that a high-traffic event is successful. Scheduling traffic spikes is the starting point in that partnering process. The Schedule Spike section lets you alert Adobe of temporary traffic spikes so that appropriate resources can be allocated to handle them.
Hello, everyone. Today we will discuss the steps to schedule a traffic spike in Analytics. Adobe attempts to partner with clients to ensure that a high-traffic event is successful. Scheduling traffic spikes is the starting point in that partnering process. The Schedule Spike section lets you alert Adobe of temporary traffic spikes so that appropriate resources can be allocated to handle them and you have the most up-to-date reports possible. To schedule a traffic spike, go to all admin after logging into Analytics and click on the traffic management option. After that, you’ll be redirected to this page where you can see your normal traffic visualization and also schedule spikes by clicking on the option highlighted on screen. Once you are on this page, specify the spike start date and end date. In the peak day server calls and peak hour server calls specify the desired number and click on the submit button once you are done. You can see the status of your scheduled spike in the traffic management overview page. Also, please note the following guidelines to determine how far in advance you must submit a traffic alert. All traffic increases target for November and December should be submitted by September 1st. This is to allow time to purchase capacity if necessary to accommodate holiday traffic. So, in this way, we can successfully schedule a traffic spike in Analytics, thank you. -