Create product profiles in the Experience Cloud Admin Console

Last update: 2024-05-08
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Create Analytics product profiles in the Experience Cloud Admin Console to manage access to report suites, metrics, dimensions, and tools.


Hi, this is Michelle Ajala on the product enablement team. In this video, I’ll discuss why it’s beneficial to use analytics product profiles, and I’ll show you how to set them up and grant access to them. First, I’ll take you through a high level review of permissions in the Experience Cloud. Permissions to Adobe products are managed in the Admin Console for system administrators. See the full view of Adobe product entitlements and essentially hold the keys to the Kingdom for designating product admins for all products. Product admins can then designate other individuals to be product profile or user group administrators, or they can do all of those things. It just depends on the structure of your organization. Whether you’re an analytics product admin or a product profile admin, you’ll have the ability to create product profiles, which are a collection of rights specific to analytics, and then you can assign users and user groups to them. You can also assign permissions to a special type of user. These are developers who have very technical skills, and they work with product integrations involving analytics, as well as working with things like APIs for larger organizations. Designing analytics product profiles requires some forethought. For example, who can access which reports, suites, and do they have the same level of access to all dimensions and metrics? You may need to align your report suites with different business teams, and additionally consider the levels of access to features within those groupings. While some users have the ability to configure reports, suites and access usage and other log files, are there are other types of users who need access to tools like Activity Map. Next, I’ll show you how to access the admin console and set up a product profile. You can’t type in Admin directly in your browser and log in from there. I usually log in to the experience cloud first and then I use the solution picker to open admin console in a new browser tab. This way I can flip between my products and the admin console easily. At the top I’ll select the products link. I see quite a few because I’m a system admin for this experience cloud instance. Next I’ll click on the Adobe Analytics item. I see existing product profiles listed here. and I can create a new profile as well. I’ll open the analytics product profile to show you how the permissions are grouped by category. There’s other links for adding users, admins, developers, and API credentials, but I’ll be focusing on the permissions link. Selecting the pencil icon to the right of an object will bring it into edit mode. I notice that auto include is enabled. This adds all permission items to the included list, and new permissions automatically get included for this product profile. I’d have to toggle this setting to remove this configuration, and then proceed with something granular. If that’s what I needed to do in the future. If this toggle wasn’t selected, I’d be able to choose which report suites to add to the permission group individually. The same auto includes settings applies to metrics. If you have multiple reports suites with more or less metrics than all of them used across all those reports, suites would be available as individual permission items. The same applies to dimensions.

The Report Suite Tools allows you to specify which analytics admin features you want to include in the product profile. The info icons show you exactly which items it aligns to. For example, access to some of these features are aligned with these permissions. The analytics tools permissions also have info icons that help you identify what they align with in the analytics admin section or other areas in the analytics user interface. Creating a new profile is straightforward. On the Analytics product profile page, I’ll select new profile on the right. The first step involves providing a profile name at minimum and then saving it. Once you do that, you can go into the product profile and add users, admins, permissions, developers, and API credentials. I’ll quickly show you what the permissions look like when auto include is set to off. As you can see for report suites, all those available can be added to the Permission Inclusion Group individually by clicking the add symbol. Deleting profiles happens on the Analytics product profile screen. I just select the box to the left of the product profile. I’ll do the one I just created, and then I’ll click on the Delete profile button on the right. I hope this video comes in handy for creating analytics product profiles. Good luck!

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