Component Management in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-03-27
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Learn how to share and manage components (for example, dimensions, metrics, segments, and so on) in Analysis Workspace.


Hey, everybody, it’s Doug. In this video, I want to show you how to manage components in Analysis Workspace in Adobe Analytics. Now, first of all, what are components? And why would I manage them? Okay, components are a number of things, for starters, it’s the dimensions, metrics, segments, date ranges. Those are four component types. So when we talk about components, sometimes we’re talking about those, but you’ll see up here in this menu that that’s more than that. You can talk about… and some of those are there, right? Segments and calculated metrics, which is the metrics that you’re going to create, and the date ranges, too. But it’s also the projects, it’s the scheduled projects, it’s the virtual report suites, it’s alerts, annotations. And then, of course, you have some preferences for the components. But it’s all of these different things. And so, where do I manage? And how do I manage these different things? Well, there’s about three different places that I’m going to talk about today, and I don’t know, maybe there’s more, but let me show you three spots. First of all, if there’s a segment, for example, that you created that you want to delete, well, you can go up to Components and Segments, and you can delete it in there, and I’ll show you that in a moment. But there’s a shortcut here, too. Maybe I don’t like this one right here, and I can right-click on that, and I can delete it. I can also do some of these other things, mark it as a favorite, share, approve tag. All of these things are also available to you in that Component menu, and let me show you that in a second. But it’s the same thing for date ranges, it’s the same thing for metrics that you have created, also known as calculated metrics. And I’m going to show you where we can also manage dimensions because one thing you didn’t see is dimensions on this list. And I’ll show you where we will actually manage dimensions. But let’s take a look up here because there’s a number of these things and a lot of them look the same when you open them up. So, I’m going to go into Segments since I already talked about that. And many of these components that have this menu up here will give you the same kind of a thing here, which is tell you a bunch of information about it. They’ll be in a big list and it’ll have the title and maybe a description, and which report suite, who owns it, and some different information about it, including when it was last modified. But if you select one of these, let’s say, this one right here, then you have this handy-dandy list of items up here that you can do. You can delete it, you can rename it, you can share it, you can add a brand new one right here if you want. That’s something that we could also do from the interface. But you can kind of manage these, et cetera, as you can see here. So this is generally where you will, quote, manage your components, is in these different interfaces for these items. You’ll see it’ll look basically the same if I go into Calculated metrics, right? Same kind of a thing. You got your list, you got info about them, and if you want to do something, you can select it and then you can do the same kinds of things. You can delete it, rename it, even mark it as your special, approved, calculated metric, et cetera. So that’s really two places where you can manage your components, right? So either right in the Workspace project, and I showed you that, or going up to the Components menu and using one of these interfaces here for those items. And then last but not least, if you go to Admin, you know, assuming you have admin privileges, and if you don’t, you’ll just have to have an admin do this, and you can go to Report Suites and then you can select… I’ve done that already, I’ve selected a report suite and then I’ve gone to Edit Settings. And then this is where you will find management for some of the things like components and even metrics that you’ve created. If, for example, your component… In fact, I’m going to jump back here and we’re going to go to one of these 'cause I think it’ll be easier to explain. Let me jump back into this project. And you’ll see here that, like, one of the components here, one of these dimensions, if I want to search for it, is like internal campaign, for example. So you can see this one here, this is a component that I have dragged onto my project. So if I scroll all the way down, I dragged it into a freeform table here. So I have my list of internal campaigns and how many visits, and how much revenue for each one of these in that time period that I’ve selected at the top of the panel. But in any case, what if I want to change the name of, you know, not this panel or even this table, but internal campaigns right here itself? Well, I have to actually go into the Admin section here, what we call the Admin Console sometimes, and then I can change that right here, and I can change the name of it, and I can change the description and those kinds of things, and even how it is capturing data. So, in any case, as far as the dimensions go, they’re either going to be changed and edited, and managed in this Conversion Variables section, if it’s a conversion variable, also known as an eVar, if it’s a traffic variable, and you’ll see under Traffic right here, Traffic Variables, also known as a prop if you’ve heard those words before, eVars and props. And then also in Conversion is the Success Events. And so those are metrics, things like signups or subscriptions, or those custom events that you’ve set up for your site and for your analysis. Anyway, so those are really the three places where you are going to manage the components on your site. I hope that makes sense. I hope that gives you a good way to really kind of manage these. And in other videos, we’ll dig down deeper on how to manage each individual one. Good luck. -

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