Navigate the new Analysis Workspace landing page

Last update: 2023-01-11
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Learn how to make the most of the new Analytics landing page and its features.


Hello, this is Travis Sabin with Adobe Analytics Product Management. And I’m here today to walk you through the new landing page experience within Adobe Analytics. So when you log in, this is the new Workspace landing page experience. You’ll notice this is a little bit different than what we’ve had previously. Notably, here on the left, we have these three tabs that you can click through to see different experiences. You land on the Projects tab by default. This is where all of your Workspace projects live. And this is the new experience that we’ve provided here for you. So a couple of things that we’ve added. So first of all, you’ll notice this hero banner across the top. This provides a quick shortcut with one click to open up a project or a mobile scorecard, which is fantastic. I really like that. We’ve also provided some cards here with some shortcuts to some things that might be more helpful, especially for newer users. So if you’re not sure how to start, this takes you to our Training Tutorial, where you can learn how to use Workspace and unlock its functionality. Or if you want to read release notes, documentation, this can take you there as well. If you don’t like this hero banner being in your face, you can hide it, and it collapses just like that. And you can expand it again, if you’re interested in having it shown. You can still create a project from our typical Create project button. However, the modal will no longer be there, but that is still an option to you. So opening projects down here, this is a little bit different. So we’ve got some more additional data that we provided here. You can customize which of these columns are shown to you by using the Column Manager here. You can just check off and on, which ones you’d like to see. You can sort by different ones. So you have some additional functionality there. So also, we’ve improved the search capabilities. So now, if I’m typing in the search bar, not only am I going to search across your titles, but I’m also going to search across the different metadata columns that you have here. So tags, report suites, and anything else, which is super valuable. Making it easier to find what you might be looking for. One thing to notice here is I have these two projects on the top that do not contain the word mobile, but they remain on the page. That’s as they’re taking advantage of this new functionality of pinning that we’ve introduced, which keeps the project or multiple projects, depending on how many you’ve pinned, always on top, no matter what you do. That way, if there’s something that you, a report or a project that you open consistently, it’s always there. It won’t get buried based on how recently you open it, or whatever sort criteria you’re using on the table. To pin something, you either click on the ellipses here to pin or unpin a project, or you can check a box over here, and you can do bulk pinning. Or as you notice, this action bar has a bunch of other actions, as well. You can delete, tag, approve, share, rename, and so on. So lots of capability built into what you can do. This becomes a lot of our project management capabilities here to make that more seamless and easier to navigate and directly manage here, from the landing page. So in addition, we’ve also got this column here that now brings your favorites. Any projects you favorited will show up, right here on the landing page, that we didn’t really have previously. You can sort by your favorites, if you want to see that, that is an option for you, as well. You can sort directly here, or you can apply a favorite here to another a project, if you want to keep it on that favorites list, so that is something new that we’ve introduced. And then lastly, on this page is the filtering. So now, we’ve provided some other ways to get through this data. If you’ve got way too many projects, there’s some other ways that you can adjust this content. So if you want to say it by specific tag, or if there’s only a specific type of report suite that you want. Or like I said, if I only want to see my favorites, I can do favorites, things like that, I can apply those things here. Again, anything that is pinned will stay pined. This one, doesn’t meet my report suite criteria, but it’s staying on here because I have it pinned. If I unpin it, it’ll go away. And then the other thing that’s really nice, any of this filtering, sorting, column, settings, that I apply, they will persist and will remain my customized settings for me, the next time I come. So if I leave Workspace, let’s say I go to the component page, and then I come back, all my filtering and column settings are applied. So I can customize this landing page to be the last version that I saw. That way, it’s always the way that I want it, whenever I come back. So that is the projects page. So next, let’s go to reports. Now, reports brings in a lot of our functionality and menu structure that we had within reports and analytics. It’s not exactly the same. There’s not a one to one match. Not every report exists here. And we’ve renamed some of these initial columns here, and reorganize the way some of these are structured that hopefully make a little bit more sense, and make it easier to find. We’ve introduced this most popular section here, which based on the usage data of our customers, we’ve brought in our top 10 or so different reports that are most commonly used and access by customers. If you have any favorites that you have favorited, since being in this new experience, this does not bring over any favorites from reports and analytics. They automatically get added here. If you do not have any favorites, if I unfavorite this one, the favorites structure goes away. But the second I favorite something, it pops back in and it’ll start building this list, if I have any favorites. You can search across these, just like you could before, and it’ll open it up down to this last section. I can go through and I can search across different ones, but I can open up reports that way. So, and if I want to open a project, let’s say I want to look at my most popular pages, there’s a couple ways I can open it. I can double click on the name here, I can single click right here, or I can single click here. All three of those, do the same thing here, within the metadata, or on the actual name itself. So once I open up a project or a report, I should say, now, I have what used to be a reports and analytics report. Now, it’s been changed, so it looks like a Workspace report. And so I’ve got a bar chart, a summary number, and a table, all pre-built, I don’t have to do anything. With a little bit of context here. As well as a link to open a video, if someone needs to learn more about how to use Workspace, they’ve got that shortcut right there. And so they can get in, and see a Workspace version of that report, right a away. Which is really handy and helps get those users, who previously might have been using reports and analytics, more acclimated to Analysis Workspace. Another nice thing is if I want to go back to where I was, we’ve added this Back button, which makes it really handy just to get right back to where I previously was. Instantly I’m back on the menu, clicking where I was, and then I can go back from there if I didn’t click on exactly what I wanted. So that is reports. Additionally, the templates that used to live in the popup modal, when you would click on create project, are also embedded within here. So any of those templates that you previously used, they’re naming is the same, but they’ve been recategorized here, under some of these sub folders. So I know for example, Mobile, we have had a bunch of mobile templates here. Those are now reports, and they live here in the reports section. So you can find all of those here, under the Reports area. And then this last tab is all about learning. So as part of our research, when we were putting this together, we found that a lot of users had a hard time getting up to speed on Workspace. They didn’t have a lot of content directly in the tool to help them get started. So we’ve introduced this Learning section, and to help with that. So it has three different categories of topics. So things for Getting started, so if you’re just starting out, you want to help find insights better, you want to know how to understand your data better, or if you just want to see everything all together, we have these different groupings. So, and in here, each of these have a bunch of videos. This first one has an actual tour, so if you Launch tour, it will open up a Workspace project, and start walking you through a little tool tip, or series of tool tips that click around the Workspace Interface, to show you the various aspects and fundamental components of Analysis Workspace. So that’s the tour. The rest of these are all videos. So if I click on one, I get a little pop up here, I can play the video, and then I can watch it directly here on the interface, which is fantastic. After I’ve done that, I can just close if I want to. If I want to, I can learn more by clicking here, to go to the documentation page, learn more. Or now that I’ve learned how to use a Training Tutorial template, I can just open it directly by clicking on this, and putting that project. So we’ve tried to make as many shortcuts handy, to make it that much easier to find what you’re looking for. After you’ve watched something, you’ll get a little Viewed tag here, which helps you keep track of the things that you’ve done. So if you’re trying to treat this as a course material, after you click on something and you’ve open the model here, you get a little Viewed tag applied to it, which again, makes it easier to keep track of the things that you have and have not watched. If you’ve exhausted all the resources here, and you want to learn more, we have links out to a couple other places. So this will take you to the Adobe Analytics YouTube Channel, with a ton more videos that we didn’t include here. Or here at the bottom, we have a link to the Experience League, which will take you to the Adobe Analytics Experience League homepage, for, again, a lot more content to learn more about the tool and how to get started. So this is the new experience. We hope that a lot of the things that we’ve done to make this a little bit easier to navigate, to find your projects, and get around will make it that much easier for you to be more successful in your tool, in your analysis. And thank you so much. -

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