Get a few tips for selecting a report suite in Analysis Workspace.
Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video I want to give you some tips for selecting a report suite in Analysis Workspace. Now if you’re brand new to Adobe Analytics and Analysis Workspace, a report suite is, think of it kind of like a database of all the information that you’re going to be able to analyze for one entity, one site, one mobile app, etc. Typically it is one site or one app, but it can also be several sites or several apps that the implementation has sent into the same database basically. So anyway, in this case we have selected a report suite called Geometrics Training and then whatever this, you know, ADU SB Master. This isn’t a great title because it’s a little bit, you know, weird here and people might not know what that means. Well, each report suite is given not only an ID, this looks kind of more like an ID, but also a friendly title which will show up here and that’s typically all you need to know as an analyst, you know, running reports in here. You need to know which one to select. So you’re going to click on this and it has a dropdown and it’ll have several of them in there and if it’s not on this list here of the ones that you’ve most recently selected, etc. Then you can select show all and then you’ll be able to, you know, kind of thumb through all of these and we have a number of report suites here in this demo company. And so if you know what it, you know, at least is kind of named, then you can put it up here in the search and you can select that. Now that will affect all of the reports in this panel. This is called a panel. You can see this blue line around here and if I scroll down, this panel goes down to here and I have another panel down below it. Now you can also collapse and expand these panels. So if I collapse this one, then you’ll see that there’s one there and I have a second panel there and I can create, you know, as many panels as I want. In each of these panels, you can select, you know, a different or same report suite. So in this second panel, maybe I just, you know, want to be able to control the date differently because that’s also controlled per panel, you know, as a general rule. And so I have a second panel here for this geometrics training report suite and it’s there. Well, if I like this panel and the analysis that I have set up here, you know, in this case, I just have one small table, I can actually set up the same thing and then just change this to a different report suite and then easily compare two different sites and look at the same numbers. So for example, I can just even right click here and even just say duplicate panel. I could do copy panel and then paste it or just duplicate it. Now it’s duplicated down below. I can, you know, name these better here, you know, maybe with the name of the site. In any case, I can then change the report suite down here for this other panel, or I can change, you know, the date or both and I can add things to either one of them, et cetera. But again, from a report suite standpoint, maybe I just go down here and I will see if I can. Oh, let’s do show all. That’s why. Okay. And I’m going down. Let’s do tech marketing demos, web retail dev. And now I have some pages for this one. You know, it’s kind of a demo, not a lot of great information here, but at least it will show you that. And if you want to, you can even kind of do this cool thing, which is to move these around and resize them so that you could look at them right next to each other and do easy comparisons between those. Anyway, just a couple of tips, but as you can see, the report suite is easily selected in the dropdown and you can have that per panel so that you can compare different panels, different sites, different report suites, all within the same project. Good luck.