This video shows you how to see the flow of data from your page to the tables and visualizations in Analysis Workspace, using the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger extension in Chrome.
Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video, I want to help you understand the data flow from your website into the reports in analysis workspace. So I’ve got a little demo project here, a little sample project, and I’ve got a freeform table here with my top pages, and I’ve got all the pages listed down here in the rows. In fact, it looks like I need to do some troubleshooting because some of my pages say homepage and some say home, but that’s a topic for a different video. In this case, I just want to talk about the data flowing from the site into these reports. Now let’s take a look up here on the right, and this is going into the GeoMetrixx Clothiers Dev Report Suite. So this is the friendly name, therefore, the Report Suite or database, basically, where the data is flowing from my site into, so we’ll take a look at that as we move along here. So obviously the data is coming from my site. So I’m going to click over to a site here and here’s our little site where the data is being tracked and the user interaction on the site is being tracked. And as the homepage comes up, or we go to these different pages or we buy something, I get a new tux, then that’s all being tracked into my reports in analysis workspace. In this case, the pages that we’re going to. How many page views, how many visits or sessions and how many different people are going to those different pages, et cetera. Now, to help us bridge the gap between our site and then those reports, we’re going to recommend that you use a debugger. And so you can go to the Chrome web store here, and I’ve gone to the Chrome web store and search for Adobe Experience Platform, or Adobe Experience Platform Debugger, et cetera. Anyway, you’ll get to a page here where you can see this Adobe Experience Platform Debugger, and you’ll want to download that extension. Now, if I click on that, you’ll see that I already have it installed. In fact, it’s right up here. So it has that little A there, you can’t see it too well because it’s so small up there, but you’ll have a different button here instead of remove, you can add it to Chrome and then you will have that little extension right up there. Now what that’s going to do for you is that when you go to your site and run a page, you’ll be able to see the data that is flowing into analytics. Now that’s all assuming that analytics has already been implemented on your site and coded on your site. So I’ll talk a little bit more about that in a second, but assuming that it is, let’s take a look at how this is going to work. So I’m on my homepage here and I go and click on that debugger and this comes up and if I make it a little bit bigger, you can see that it’s not connected right here, I’ve got to reload the tab. So I’m just going to click back over here and reload it and then click back over to that debugger. And now you can see that it is connected to GeoMetrixx Clothiers. And if you want to, you can also hit this lock button so that as you click around to different pages in your browser, it actually just stays on this one and it doesn’t record stuff from other browser windows. Now, the other thing I’m going to do is I’m going to click sign in right here.
And that automatically signed me in because as you remember, I was already signed into my reports. And so it’s signing me into that user and it brings me right in here and now I have additional information that can be seen and used in this debugger. But you’ll also see here that Adobe Analytics is reporting that data is going into this Geometrixx Clothiers Development Report Suite. Now I can get all the information from that by clicking over to analytics and then clicking on this item right here and it’ll drop down, and now I can see all this information as I scroll down, including if I go down far enough here, it’ll get down to my page name and it says homepage. In fact, it looks like I’m putting the page name, not only into the page name variable here, but also into eVar1 right up here, homepage, homepage. So I’m bringing some additional variables in here. I’ve got eVar4 and it’s new, like maybe a new user, I suppose. I’m also triggering an event right there, but in any case, let’s just focus on the page name for a minute, because homepage right there, if I go back to my site, I can see that’s the homepage, if I click back to my reports, then homepage is right there at the top. Now let’s go back to my site, let’s click to a couple more pages, women in this active wear page. And if I go back to the debugger, I now have a new column for each one of the hits that is coming in. And you can see here in my page name, there it is, I’ve got homepage, women’s page, active wear page. So those are coming in so now I can look for those in my reports. Homepage, women’s page, active wear page. Click back over to my reports over here and I have homepage, women’s page, active wear page. And it’s just adding to these numbers as that data comes in. Now, as I mentioned, in order for this all to work, Adobe Analytics does have to be implemented on your site. Now I’m not going to get into the details of implementation in this video, but I will say that hopefully it’s documented somewhere and you would be able to look at some documents that describe the implementation and I’ve got an example over here. If I go over to what I have here, which is a Business Requirements Document, you’ll see that I have documented some of the things that I want to track. We have tracking pages and site sections and search terms and a number of things in here including purchases, et cetera. And so this is just a page that says, here are the things that I want to track, and it does give us a little bit of information over here. But if I go to my variable map, it’ll give me a lot more information here because I, or somebody else have populated this and said, here are the events and the eVars and other variables that I want to populate with analytics on my site. And so this is called an SDR or Solution Design Reference document. So if you want to talk to somebody at your organization who knows about the implementation of analytics on your site, you can ask them for the BRD, the Business Requirements Document, or the SDR, this Solution Design Reference document, or just say, where is this documented? So anyway, that is hopefully what they’re going to be able to provide for you. So at the end of the day, that’s really it. Let me go back over here to our reports and it’s going from our site, can be tracked through the debugger and then you can see it back on those reports right there. And that’s the high level of how data is getting from your site into the reports. Good luck. -
For more information about the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger, please visit the documentation.