In this video you will learn how to use Attribution IQ models in conjunction with Adobe Analytics segments on your site.
Hey everybody it’s Doug in this video I just want to spend a couple of minutes talking to you about using different Attribution IQ Models with Segments in Analysis Workspace. So when I talk about using these models with Segments I do mean with Segments and not in Segments because we don’t apply an Attribution IQ Model in the Segment Builder but rather we assign it to the Metrics which we will do here momentarily. So I’m going to add Orders again here and you’ll see why in just a minute because we are going to have a couple of different Attribution IQ Models that we’re going to use. And again we’re going to use those with Segments So I’ve created a couple of Segments over here very basic Segments: New Visitors , Repeat Visitors You can see that New Visitors is just Visit Number One Repeat Visitors just the rest of the Visits and Visit Number greater than 1 so we are going to drag over New Visitors and put that right down here Filter By.
Drag in Repeat Visitors Filter By There we go Now of course I could have actually put either of these Segments into the Panel Segment drop zone but again in this case I want to just look at them both in the same Report. So I can put them also here in their own column. Now so far I’m not using any Attribution IQ Models So we want to add those next. But you can see here how these different Orders have been broken out per Marketing Channel and then also per Segment New Visitors and Repeat Visitors. So the way that we actually then apply those Attribution IQ Models which you’ve probably already seen in another video is to go to the Metric itself click on the gear and then check the box Use non-default attribution model and then you have your decision to make. Now this first column remember is New Visitors it’s Visit Number One. And so if we want to talk about orders that have happened on that very first Visit maybe we want to lean towards you know whatever it is that really brought them right in and have them buy something right away. It probably was kind of the Last Touch thing, their last thing that they saw that spawned this response and they came in and purchased. So you could use Last Touch However if you want to kind of soften that a little bit and maybe you’d like to use something like a J Curve then it gives a higher percentage to the Last Touch but it also gives 20 percent of the first and 20 percent to the middle stuff. Any other touch points that they’ve had And of course 60 percent to the Last Touch. So that’s the J Curve and we can apply that one and now we can see the breakout of our orders according to that Attribution Model. Now let’s talk about our Repeat Visitors. well if our Repeat Visitors are coming back to the site multiple times maybe they’re thinking about stuff they’ve seen different marketing campaigns they’ve had different touch points and so in this case maybe you don’t go with a J Curve.
Click on that same Gear click on the box and in this case you know maybe you go with something like Linear to split it up between all of the different touch points But again that’s your decision and you can decide what is really the model that makes the most sense. According to the Segment that I’ve built , so let’s apply that . OK . And now we have our Linear Orders for our Repeat Visitors we’ve got our J Curve Orders for New Visitors and we can see how those are broken out . And now we can see how those different Marketing Channels affect the Orders when we have them assigned according to our Attribution Models .
When you are doing analysis on your site, you will often use segments to focus on a specific group of visitors, visits, or hits. As you do this, you should now add a step of considering which attribution model works best in conjunction with the segment, metrics, and overall report.