Filters provide more control over what rows of data are shared in a freeform table.
Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video I want to show you how to use freeform table filters so that you can filter down a giant list like this of items into just the items that you are interested in looking at. You can see here that I have 1,275 items in this list and maybe it’s just a subset of these products, in this case, that I want to look at and understand their performance. You know, how many visits, where people look at them and how much revenue is coming from the sale of those individual products. And so if I just want to look at some of these products how can I pair this list down? Well, if you’re just moving your mouse around like this it’s hard to see how you would do that. But if you mouse over this magic area up here, then you’ll see a few things up here, right? And one of them is this filter. So this is the button right here to be able to filter things down. Now I’m going to show you one thing that, let’s see if I just go ahead and sort by visits, you will see that I do have a ton of visits, unfortunately 68.4% of my visits where people are not looking at a product. And so it’s possible that like, you know, once you know that you don’t really need that in your list anymore. So you can go up to the filter and you can say do not include unspecified or nones. So if I deselect that and apply that then that will go away. And now even if I am sorting by visits it will still just, you know, having removed that it’ll have just this product up here at the top followed by the rest of them. You will also see that it is only 21,000 visits out of the total of 40,000 visits here. So you can still see the grand totals there as well unless you remove those in which you can do in the settings. Anyway, I digress. So again, let’s say that there’s just a subset of things that I want to see. I can very quickly go into the filter and just say maybe just my watches. So I’m going to go watch and that’s all you have to do really. And then hit apply. That will bring me back any of these items that have that word in here because what I had selected was any word or phrase. Okay? And that’s just the kind of simple way to do it. There’s a show advanced, so again, you can see back there every row has a watch in it. Let’s go a little bit further then and we’ll go to show advanced. And you can have several rows here. So you can get pretty fancy with your criteria and you get to decide if it’s an and, or if it’s an or, right? So I’m going to leave it on an and so every row has to be true. And let’s say that I want to put in leather here but it’s not just all the leather items. I’m going to add one more row. And by the way, you can see that you have a lot of different options here. Instead of just contains the phrase you can contain any term. So you can have a list of space delimited terms where if any of them show up, then that will bring it back and that’s the one we’re going to use in a minute. But you can say contains all terms. So again, you can have multiple terms and it doesn’t have to be right in a phrase, right? So if I did, you know, royal and watch I’m just getting that from looking back here then it would find these, because it has both terms in it it doesn’t have to be right next to each other. That’s contains all terms. You can have does not contain or does not contain any, or the, you know, the phrase or the terms. You have equals and does not equal and you got starts with and ends with. So you’ve got a lot of options here to bring back exactly what you want to see. In this case, again, we’re going to go with contains any term. And I happen to know that I have coats and things like that that are leather, but I’ve got some that are called jackets. So I’m going to say jacket and I think I’ve got some blazers as well. So I’m going to go blazer like this. So what I really want is it has to have leather and it has to have either of these, that’s my, if all criteria are met. So each line here has to be true. So it has to have leather, has to have any of these terms. So I’m like, yeah, jacket, blazer, same thing, right? So I’m going to say let’s go ahead and run that and that’s perfect. That’s exactly what I wanted, right? 'Cause I’ve got some blazers and I’ve got some jackets and they’re all leather. And now I can see, you know, how my leather jackets, my leather blazers, jackets, coats, whatever, how they’re doing as a group, how much revenue they’re coming up with. I can also see that some of 'em here, this wool trimmed leather jacket, people are looking at it, but nobody’s buying it. And so I can start to look at, do I want to lower the price? Do I want to, you know, put it on the front page? Are people not seeing it very much? A few are, you know, things like that. So you can start to make some decisions for your site based on this data, obviously. And that’s the goal. So in any case, pretty easy to use that filter. Hope that was helpful and that you use the filter to really zero in on what you want to analyze. Have a great day. -
In Analysis Workspace, we now offer more filtering control, with 11 filter criteria & AND/OR operators.
For more information on the filters available, visit the documentation.
Note: Advanced special characters are not available in Analysis Workspace.