Time-parting Dimensions in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Time-parting takes the timestamp of collected hits and breaks it into more meaningful dimensions, such as “Hour of Day” or “Day of Week”. These dimensions are out-of-the-box in Analysis Workspace.


Hey everybody, it’s Doug. Just want to take a minute today to talk to you about time-parting dimensions. Now, of course, we have several places in our project that we have time-based features, I guess, or items. For example, we have the calendar over here where you can set a time period. Even here, we have “Days since last visit” and those kinds of things. On the left, we have date ranges that we can use. But what I’m really talking about right now is time-parting dimensions. So slices of time that we can us in a table by dragging it out of this dimensions area. And I’m going to go up to this other tab where I have the documentation open. So here are the different dimensions, these time parting-dimensions that we have that are out of the box already for you. Hour of day on the 24-hour clock, AM versus PM, the day of the week, weekend versus weekday, day of month, month of year, day of year and quarter of year. And again, these are out of the box and they are based on your report suite time zone. So going back to my project, let’s say that I am looking at my marketing channels here and I’m wondering what day of the week social media visits happen. Visits from social media. I have my visits, I’ve got my different marketing channels there. I can just grab day of the week, right here. And if it’s not up there, these are the latest five, then I can show all or I can search for it. But I’m just going to drag day of the week here and I’m going to break down social media by that. And then I’ve got my day of the week right here. As you can see these different days and I can show all seven. Let me go ahead and just put 10 then all seven show up. There they are. And I can see those right here. And if I want to have the highest one, then I can sort right there. And then you can see in the last 60 days, again, that’s my calendar, in the last 60 days I’m getting the most visits from social media on Thursdays. but just barely, look at that. So I can of course take whatever action I want based on that information. So that’s really the gist of it. We can do it with any of these things. You saw marketing channels. We could scroll down here to products to see, “When am I getting the most revenue for a specific product?” Maybe I can look at this number one luggage set and say, “Okay, let’s go with AM and PM. Is it mornings or afternoons or what?” Let’s just drop that in there. It’s actually pretty close, but I’m getting a little bit more in the mornings. Okay, that’s kind of cool. So then we go, “Really, okay, well what time of the morning?” Well, I can grab hour of the day and then I can break that down there mornings by hour of day. And I can say, “Show me all of them.” So I’ll just go to 25 so I can at least get those 12 hours of the morning there. And then those are showing up as well, but you can see that they’re not sorted. So again, I can come over here and say, “Sort those”. And now I can see that the 10 o’clock hour is when I am getting the most revenue in the mornings for this luggage set. So again, any of those items that we saw there in the documentation, whether it’s a hour of day or weekend versus weekday, any of those items you can drop into a table, you can break them down by other things, you can break down other things by them, et cetera, et cetera. Anyway, I hope that’s helpful to get you some good time-based information for your analysis. Have a great day. -

For more information on this feature, please visit the documentation.

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