Learn the various ways that you can use metrics in a freeform table in Analysis Workspace.
Hey, what’s up everybody, this is Doug. In this video I want to talk to - you about working with metrics in a Freeform Table. And so let’s start with - something real basic. I’ve brought in a Freeform Table here from just this visualizations area, and I’m just going to add a metrics. So we’ve got our metrics, - we’ve got our top five. I can see all of them - by clicking show all, but I’ll just drag page views in and drop her out over - here to this drop zone.
And by default, when you drop a metric into a new Freeform Table, it’s going to give you this day dimension, but we can of course replace - that with any dimension. So, since I used page - views, let’s grab page and we’ll replace day with page. Great. Pretty basic stuff. I can also multi-select. So if I grab visits and - multi-select unique visitors, I can grab those and - drop those in as well. And I’ll just add those.
Okay. Super easy. Now, in another video, we’re - going to go deeper with this, but I’ll just show you a quick preview into the fact that you can - create a quick calculated metric by clicking on a couple of - different metrics up here. I’ll choose visits and unique visitors, and then I can right - click and create a metric from those two.
And I’ll say divide.
And that will automatically give me visits divided by unique visitors or in other words visits - per unique visitor. And in this demo data, it’s pretty close to the same numbers, so, no big amazingness there. But in any case, that’s one thing that you can do there - with metrics as well. I’ll delete that. So in most cases, that’s what you’ll do. I’m sure is to put your - metrics up in the columns in a Freeform Table. Going to collapse this one, and then we’ll drag in - another Freeform Table.
And in this case, I’m going to drag. In fact, yeah, let’s take - both of those am a drag them into the main area here. And now they show up in rows - instead of in the columns. And that of course can be very helpful if you’re going to add a - lot of different metrics into this table. With just a couple of - them, maybe it’s easier to put them in the columns so - that you can add a dimension that might have a lot of items. Whatever has a lot of items obviously might be better off in the rows. But in this case, you can put your metrics as many as you want into - this Freeform Table. If I wanted to add pages - as well, I can add that and just drop it in here to add - or any of the other metrics. As you can see by default, - that’ll say all visits. I can also add a segment, maybe I’ll drag mobile customers up here and filter that by mobile customers. And now I can have all my metrics filtered by mobile customers. So that’s another way - to look at your metrics in a Freeform Table. Putting them in the rows where - you can put a bunch of them. Another important aspect of working with metrics and Freeform Tables is knowing what your metrics - are, knowing what they mean so that you know which - ones you want to drag into your Freeform Tables. Now, if I go ahead and - show all my metrics here, you’ll see that as I mouse over these, I do have that little info bubble there. So I can see more about this. So, for example, if I have something like third party ad impressions, and I didn’t really know - exactly what that was, I can click on this info bubble. And in addition to my trendline there, it’s going to also give - me a little description, which says the number of onsite - third party ad impressions. Okay, that’s pretty basic. But that description was - added in the admin console. Okay, so if you have one - that doesn’t have that you’ll have to ask somebody - what that metric means. But hopefully, either you or somebody who has control over these, whoever’s adding these metrics, - will add that description in the admin console - when they’re setting up. In this case, event 28 to be - third party ad impressions. Now, when you have a calculated metric and you can see this down here, - we’ll just click down here to this abandonment - rate calculated metric, and you click on that information bubble. You’ll not only get the trend line, but you’ll also see the definition - of that calculated metric in this case, carts minus - orders divided by carts. So you’ll be able to see - basically what makes up that calculated metrics. So, in any case, the info - bubble is very helpful to be able to understand the metrics that you’re adding to - your Freeform Tables. Now, of course you can add - metrics by creating new ones with this plus sign. And it’ll take you right into - the calculated metric builder. And we’re not going to go - deep into this in this video, because there are other - videos that talk all about how to create calculated metrics and all the different - functionality that you have here. But maybe suffice it to say in this video that you can come in here - and drag over metrics, and you can use all the - different features here and create metrics for your use. I’m going to go ahead - and cancel out of that. And lastly, I want to show you - that you can even use metrics in the segments. So if you’re going to - create a new segment, you might even be creating - a segment that uses orders. I’ll drag that over. And maybe you’re looking at visitors who have had more than one order. So I’ll just say, is greater than one. So now we have visitors - with multiple orders, right? So in any case, another way - that you can use metrics in your Freeform Table by using - those metrics in a segment and then saving those, I’ll go - ahead and cancel out of that. And so anyway, just wanted - to give you some basics on using metrics and Freeform Tables. I hope that was helpful and - that you’ll follow this up by learning more about calculated metrics and all the great stuff you can do there. Good luck. -