Applying reusable date ranges in your project

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Using custom dates and date ranges in your product can help you hone in on just information that tells your data story. In this video we explore a few places where you can use date ranges in your Analysis Workspace project.


Hey, what’s up everybody? This is Doug. In this video, I want to show you how to apply reusable date ranges in your project in Analysis Workspace. Now, if you’ve been poking around Analysis Workspace then you’ve probably noticed the date ranges down here at the bottom of the left-hand rail underneath, of course, dimensions, metrics, and segments. So, let me scroll back down. I’ve got kind of the most recent five there that I’ve been using or that I’ve created in the builder. And, you know, I can click on this plus sign right here and create a new date range if the out of the box ones aren’t what I need, and there are a number of date ranges out of the box. In fact, if I go up to the calendar up here, and you can see you’ve got last 90 days right now, click on that, and I have a bunch of date ranges that are out of the box or custom built, and I’ve got those all right here so I can select those from my calendar. But, there are other places where we can use date ranges, so let me cancel out of that. That being said, I can, if I want, just drag one of these over here to the calendar. So, if I’ve got it showing up and I’m like, oh, you know what, actually, I really do want last 60 days, let me just drag that up and drop it on the calendar. And now the entire panel changes to last 60 days, super easy and quick and that’s a nice little drop zone up there. I’m going to hit command + Z for an undo, and I got my 90 days back. Now, there are other places though, if you noticed as I dragged that over, let me do it again, I have other drop zones that are available you can see here. Now, one of the places, of course in addition to the calendar, I can drop it as a segment as well and it basically builds a segment right there on the fly for it. And I like this one a lot, I can actually drag this down and break down any of my items here in this table by that date range. So, if I just drop that on this luggage set, then it breaks it down by that. And not only do I still have the last 90 days in my main row there, but I also then have last 60 days right below that so I can see that additional time period for that product. Pretty cool. Okay. So, let me get rid of that. Now, another thing you can do is you can actually drag this, and do the same one there, and drag it over into the column area so I can put it here as a filter. Now, before I do that, I want you to see that we have that revenue number of 56 million there and also up in the middle, and if I put it on that one though, right there, then that’s going to give me just the last 60 days revenue here, but the revenue showing up in this other visualization is still of course, at 90 days. And so, it just takes that one column and applies last 60 days revenue for the entire product set in this case, and then for each of the individual products as well. Now, let’s do one more. I’m going to take a freeform table and drag it right in here and show you that you can actually drag these date ranges into a freeform table the same way you can segments. So for example, if I want to drag current fiscal quarter over there and then also add last fiscal quarter and just add that as well. Now, I’ve got those two date ranges in there, same way that you could drop segments in there. And then we have the occurrences, or maybe we want the revenue since this is really, you know, fiscal stuff. I can hold my command key down and I can drag revenue up there and replace occurrences, that’s a nice little extra bonus tip for you today. And, so now we’ve got these date ranges in there and the revenue associated with those individual ones. So, in any case, those are some places where you can use these date ranges, again, in another video, we’re going to talk about how to create a new date range if you don’t have the one that you need for your project. You can also use date ranges in segments and we’ll talk about that in the segment video. Good luck. -

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