Creating Custom Date Ranges in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

When configuring and customizing your project in Analysis Workspace, you may need to use a date range beyond what comes pre-built in the product. This video shows you how to create three examples of custom date ranges.


Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video, I want to show you how to create custom date ranges that you can use in your project and analysis workspace. Now, there are a bunch of out of the box date ranges available to you, and you can find them in this date ranges section here on the bottom of the left-hand rail there. And you can also find them if we go up to the calendar, you can find them in the dropdown here so that you can apply these different date ranges to your calendar into this entire panel. But what if you wanted to use something that’s not there? You know, it’s not out of the box, I need a special one. Then you’ll want to create a new custom one. Now you can also see that I’ve added a timeframe here in this table, and I’ve simply done that by clicking on or right clicking on this revenue and saying, “Add a time period column right there.” And I’ve added the previous seven days of these prior seven days to this date range. Since I have last seven days, it let me do the seven days before that. And so that’s great. And it was really easy to do by right clicking there, but let’s just say, what if I wanted to use this, you know, days eight through 14, previous eight through 14. And I wanted to use that in other places besides right here. Well, then it would be really helpful to have it as a date range that I could just grab out of my date ranges here and apply it wherever I wanted that. So in that case, and in any case where you don’t already have the date range available to you, you can click on this plus sign right here, and create a new one and let’s do it, boom. Now, when you are creating a date range, you’re going to of course give it a good title, and a description. You might even give it some tags, so that it’s easy to find and bring up in that left rail later on, but really the rubber hits the road right up here. I’m going to click on this section to bring up the date range builder. Now you certainly don’t have to do it this way, but my recommendation is that you go down here to the presets and you choose something that’s, you know, relatively close to what you are looking to build, and then change it from there. So I’m going to start with this one as kind of last seven days. And that’s what I had out there on the panel. And that shows me right here what I have, I have, you know, today being the 26th, and counting today, I have these seven days. So what I’m really looking for is days, you know, right now, the 13th through the 19th, and then for it to roll every day. So you can see down here at the bottom, yes we do want rolling dates and I’m going to click on that and then you’ll be able to see the start and end of that time period. Now, in this case, I just want to move it seven back. So it’s pretty easy, I can just add seven here, and watch the little calendar up here as I do this, I click on that and go up to 13, and great that gives me the 13th, but I want to stop it on the 19th. And so instead of being the end of the current day, I can really just add seven to this one, right? And say minus seven.

And that will give me the end of the current day minus seven. So it would give me the end of the 19th, and now I’m good to go. And I can go ahead and save this as you know, prior, you know, days eight to 14, I don’t, I don’t really know how you want to title that, but you know, you know, seven days prior to the last seven days, whatever, something like that, But that gives us a lot of power to do things like that. Here’s example, number two, let’s try something like last week, let’s grab last week. And let’s say that we wanted to compare that to last year, last week. So we can start to really understand from a more year to year perspective, how we’re doing. Well, I want to be able to define this last week, last year, so I’m going to let that again, roll. And so we’re going to, instead of just minus one week, we just move this up to minus 53 weeks, and that’ll give us the start, the start of the current week minus 53 weeks. And then in the end, instead of being the end of the current week, which of course, you know, we would have the entire time period. We want to say minus 53 weeks, and you’ll be able to see right here, that will give us seven days selected, and it’ll be the start of the current week, minus 53 weeks to the end of the current week, minus 53 weeks, right? So it’ll give us that last week, but then a year before that, and then we can, again, title that as you know, last week, last year, and then we can compare that to last week, and kind of see how we’re doing, and that’ll give us that comparison. Now for my third and final example in this video, I’m going to use not just rolling dates, but I want a fixed date as well. So this last July, on July 29th, we started doing Experience League LIVE, which is a live stream, and we hope that you’ll come join us on Experience League LIVE shows, as we do them moving forward. But I would like to see the numbers for viewership for these shows as we move forward, and so what I really want to do, is start on July 29th, 2021, and have that as a fixed date for a start, but then roll forward as we continue to do these shows. So on that one, it’s maybe a little bit difficult to know what to do here, but you know, I’m just going to grab something like last 90 days, and I’m going to then go down here, and I’m going to say, “Start with a fixed day.” So I grab that. And I’m really lucky that actually right now, it is 90 days currently today, I guess, past July 29th. That’s the actual date that I want, is July 29th. Normally you’d have to go ahead and select it, and you know, I can select it. And you know, so if I wanted the 24th or, you know, different day like that, I could select that and, and, and do that as well. But, but again, I, I’m going to find that July 29th, when I say start with a fixed day, and I want this right here to be July 29th. And so instead of selecting up there, just click right on there, and you’ll be able to select that fixed day. And then the moving forward, the end of that is super easy. I just want, for example, the end of the current day, that’s it. So get rid of this minus, let’s go none. And then I can see right here, I have fixed start, fixed day right there, and I have rolling daily on the end. And so that’ll just move forward. And that’ll give me that time period. And so you can also use this, for example, for campaigns. If you started a campaign and you’re in the middle of it, and it’s going to keep going, then you can have a fixed day start, and see the numbers for that campaign time period as it moves forward. And then when it’s done, maybe you just want to change it to, you know, a fixed end day as well. But then we can save that again and we can title it. And then we can apply that in our project. Hope this has helped to show you how to create a few different custom date ranges. Good luck. -

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