Calculate Rolling Retention in Cohort Tables

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Intermediate

The Rolling Calculation setting within Cohort Tables can be used to analyze cohorts period-over-period, to understand how the same users are retained (or churn) over time.


In this video, we’re going to be digging into the rolling calculation feature in cohort tables in Analysis Workspace. So for the sake of this video, let’s pretend that I work at a major international hotel chain and repeat and loyal customers are the lifeblood of my business, as they drive the most revenue and bookings that I see across the board. But I want to understand who these people are and which of my customers are the most loyal and frequently engaging with my booking application. So let’s build a quick cohort just using visits and repeat visits as my metrics. And if I build this without making any additional changes, I can quickly see how well my app is doing at keeping users coming back and visiting over time. However, this current default calculation is a measure of individuals who have come after being in part of the inclusion criteria at any given period. So for example, these users here in month five may not have visited my app during month four, or month three, two or one. And they don’t have to, as long as they’re part of the inclusion, they’re eligible to be part of the month five grouping. But what I really want to know is who are the users that visited consecutively in months one, two, three, four, all the way through until month five. And the rolling calculation setting makes this possible. So I come back to my build state, click on the rolling calculation option, and then I go and click build. Once it builds, I can see that I have a very different cohort table, and my repeat visitors have had quite a drop off in months three, four and five. So these individuals in month five are the only ones who have returned to my app in months one through four, and were part of the original inclusion criteria. So the rolling calculation really helps me understand the stickiness and the repeat funnel aspects of my users for those who are continually coming back and meeting the criteria month after month, or whatever time period you might be using. And so now I know out of the hundreds of thousands of customers who are eligible in my inclusion criteria, I’ve got this handful of a few thousand cohort users who are the most loyal ones that I’m seeing in this grouping. I can take these cohorts and I can turn them into segments to use them for retargeting or mobile engagement efforts to send perks, incentives, or things like that to make sure I keep my loyal users happy. And the rolling calculation setting is really good at identifying and helping me in this aspect to make it clear and easy to identify who my most loyal users are. I hope that this rolling calculation setting is great for you and uncovering these similar insights for you and your business. Thanks for your time.

For more information, please see the documentation.

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