Cohort Table Settings

Last update: 2024-05-08
  • Created for:
  • Intermediate

Learn how to customize your view of retention or churn tables using Cohort Table settings.


In this video, I’m going to share with you some of the settings available in the cohort table in Analysis Workspace. So here I have my pre-built cohort table using the cohort table features, but now I want to walk you through some additional settings that are available here in Analysis Workspace. So if I come over to the gear icon and I click on this, I can see that I have several display and sell settings that I can go through and I can use individually or I can use collectively. These settings are only show percent, round percent to the nearest hole, and show average percent row. So for the first one, if I only show percent, I can remove that raw numeric value from the columns here on the table. This is really helpful to compare across the board my percents without having to get the clutter of the other numbers there as well. And especially if I’m going to export, now I don’t have to worry about stripping out those numeric values. The second one is round percent to the nearest hole. So if I want to just do some quick handy visual changes, I can now just see the raw hole numbers for the percentages here, again making it easier for some quicker comparisons. And then the last option is show average percent row. And what this will do, it will introduce a new row here within the cohort table labeled average retention. And what this does is takes the column and averages each of these percents and returns the average for that specific column. So here in the plus one month, across each of the different periods, my average retention is 8%. In month two, it’s also eight and so on. This is really great because I can see first of all how my retention is trending over time collectively. And in this case, I’m trending fairly consistently over time. But I can also see period by period which periods are performing better or worse than I would have normally expected. I was doing a little bit better here in the beginning and maybe I have some adjustments to make here in these later periods. These are really good visual quick gut checks to see how my retention is doing over time and across various periods. So again, these are the three settings you have. You can use them individually or collectively however you choose. And the other great thing with them is not only will they work here in the standard retention, but they work in any of the other settings that you choose within the cohort table builder. So if you run a churn, you get the same thing back with the percents and so on. And the same thing is true if I use rolling calculation, a latency table, or custom dimension cohort. Any of the settings will work with these great display features.

We hope that this makes your life a little bit easier and helps you get insights faster within Analysis Workspace. Thanks for watching.

Customizations for the Cohort Table include the ability to

  1. Display percentages only
  2. Round percentages to the nearest whole number
  3. Show/hide an average percent row at the top of the table.

The average rows are ideal for viewing retention or churn overall, rather than by individual cohort rows.

For more information regarding cohort analysis, visit the documentation.

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