Saving, sharing, and collaborating on projects in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

In this video, learn how to save and export projects for yourself, send projects to other recipients, and invite others to collaborate on your project.


Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video, I want to - talk to you about saving, sharing and collaborating on - projects in analysis workspace. So after you’ve added your panels and you’ve added all of your tables, and visualizations, and your metrics, and your dimensions, - you’ve even added segments, you’ve chosen the right - timeframe, et cetera. You’ve done all this - work well then of course, you’re going to want to save it, you’re going to want to - share it with others, and you’re possibly going to - want to collaborate with others to get the most out of your project. So let’s talk about all three of those. The first one saving it, - well that’s pretty easy, of course, we’re just going - to go up to the project menu and we’re going to go to save . There you go, when you make a change, you can just hit save here, - you can do command + S, you can use these keyboard - shortcuts, et cetera. You can do save as if you - want to save a copy of it and make changes in the second - copy of course, normal stuff. You can also save it as a template. If you wanted your - project to be a template where people can start, you - can save it as a template and then when people go in - to create a new project, it will be listed here and - they can start with that.

In addition to those normal ones, you can also save as CSV or a PDF, if you just want to file to look at as opposed to coming - into analysis workspace to look at a project. Of course, that would - be a snapshot in time and then you could have - that available to you in those formats. So saving is pretty easy. Now let’s talk about the second one, which is actually sharing with somebody, in this case, maybe sharing with somebody who is not going to collaborate - they don’t need to edit, they just want to be able - to see the data, right? You’re going to share this information with people who need to consume it only. Well, before we really talk - about the sharing options, I just want to mention quickly - that it’s really important for you to make sure that the data that you send out is going - to be understood, right? Kept and obvious. But these titles can help a lot, so for each table, for each visualization, make sure that you have a title that can help the people - that are consuming this data. If visits and the number - is not good enough, maybe you put something - like visits last month. I know that they can see over here where the calendar is it says last month, but if it helps put last months visits or put last months visits - from mobile devices or whatever you need to put here, or maybe you even liked the word sessions better than visits. And with visitors maybe - you like unique visitors from last month or whatever you like, make sure that it is very helpful for anybody who is going to consume this. And right below it, you - can see this is even better it says line, well, these are visits as you can see from - different time periods. And so maybe you’re going to want to title that better not, - maybe you really should . And down here further, - there’s even a better example of a bad title which - is freeform table four. So again, click on that and change that to something that makes more sense and describes what they’re - going to see in here. Now you can also take - this another step further by adding a text visualization. So I click up to visualizations, text, I’m going to scroll up - here towards the top and drag one of those in and you can put these in anywhere. So put it at the top of each panel or the top of the project or above any visualization to describe it or whatever you need to do to - help people with this data. So you can say, you know, - this is info about x, or you could even say, hey - Bob this is info about x. If you’re sending it out - to one person or whatever, but in any case, you can - also use some of the stuff like bold and underline - and all the rich text stuff that you need there as well. Anyway, so you can save that. And now you have some text that describes what they’re going to see. In fact, to put them together, you’re going to want to - change that title as well. Maybe it’s a read this first - message or something like that. Anyway, hopefully that - makes a lot of sense. Make sure that your - data can be understood, then you’re going to share it out. So going back to the project menu, one of the things you can do is just, save it as a CSV, a - PDF, you have your copy and then send it to - somebody give it to them, that’s one option. But if you’re really just going - to send it to them anyway, instead of doing that in two steps, we do have it over here - and share as one step. So you can say, send file now, and you can choose either - of those file types and send it out and you can add recipients and you can add people - and you can add groups, et cetera in here. So you can send that out, in fact, you can show - scheduling options right here, and that is the same as clicking on share, send file on schedule. And so in here again, - choose your file type a description, who you’re sending it to? When you’re going to start - and end sending that? And how often you want to send et cetera. So anyway basic stuff you get it. Now, the last one is collaboration. So if I go back up to - this share menu again, and I say share project, then we have some options here and you can share this in different ways. So again, you can share it to people who are just going to view that here and type in their name and there you go. And now they can just view it. So again, this is kind of - that use case number two, where you’re just sharing with somebody who’s going to consume it and - not work with or change the data. Now, as I move up here, you can let people have the - ability to duplicate that, and if I put myself up there, it’ll move me up there. You can really only be in one of those, but the people that you put - in here can do a save as they can’t do a save, 'cause they can’t save - over your original project, but they can do a save as and make a copy, and then they own the copy. And of course, that splits, and then any changes that you make do not flow over to their copy, et cetera, it’s a separate copy. And then for true collaboration, you have up here where it is can edit again, I’ll move myself up there. And this is then basically - having another owner of the project that - you’re working on okay? And so they can save it - and it’ll save for you and you can save it and it’ll - save for them, et cetera. They can share things, they basically become an - owner of that project. And so that’s really - the full collaboration is when they can edit, you can edit and you’re working together on that. Now you’re going to also want - to share embedded components if you’ve added any calculated metrics or segments or other things like that, so that they can work with all the different - components that they’ll need. Anyway, I hope that makes sense, that was just a little - video to help you understand how to save, how to - share, how to collaborate and really democratize this great data. So you can be a data driven organization. Good luck. -

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