Learn how to create new Analysis Workspace projects, either from scratch or by leveraging templates. Templates can give you a head start to your analysis, and are available out-of-the-box and via company-created projects. For detailed documentation, see Create projects in Analysis Workspace.
Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video I want to talk to you about starting your first project in Analysis Workspace. Congratulations, you’ve logged into Adobe Analytics and come into Analysis Workspace. And now we want to create your first project. Now, depending on your settings, you might land here in the list of existing projects. And if you or others in your organization have created projects, they’ll be here or they’ll be in folders like you can see up here at the top. Now in creating a new project, you can either start from scratch with an empty one, or you can start with a template. So let’s show you both of those. First of all, let’s create a new one from scratch. So I’ll go over here to create project, and this modal pops up and you can create a blank workspace project right here. You can also do a mobile project as well, but let’s stick with a web-based workspace project and create, which is exactly what it gives us, a brand new project with one panel. You can see this panel is outlined in blue. You can put multiple panels in here. Then you can put multiple visualizations. We have a freeform table in there. And then of course you can start to drag your data in dimensions, you know, the day, the download link, etc., all the different data coming into your report suite. You’ll want to select your report suite up here in the top right, and we have ours selected already. So if you have multiple report suites, multiple sites, you’ll want to select the right one. So again, that is one of your options. Let’s go back to that modal. If I go project, new, and that will also give you some company-based templates. So if somebody at your company has created a project and said, this is a good place for people to start, and I’m going to save this as a template, then they can do that and name that. And then when you come in, you can start from there so that you’re not starting from scratch so that they can give you kind of a head start, I guess, if you will. Let me cancel out of that one and show you another place you can start. Now, right up here on the left, this little arrow up here, this then exposes these three things here, projects, which we’ve seen already, reports and learning. Learning is, you know, some videos and you can watch more videos just like you’re watching now. But if you go to reports, this will also give you some templates and reports out of the box that have been created by Adobe to kind of, you know, give you that head start. So you can keep it really simple and do things like, you know, just pages. Let me start with that one. And this will bring up some page-based visualizations, right? So you have a bar graph, you’ve got the current month so far of page views all together on your pages. You’ve got, you know, which pages are getting the most page views. So you kind of get this pages report here that has a few numbers on it. And again, these few visualizations. And from here, you can remove some, you can add these if you don’t like this big number right here, you can go ahead and delete that visualization and bring something else in there. If you think, no, I did like that, then you can command Z and you can bring that back and you can start here and then, you know, build out your project to what you want it to be. So let’s go back there to those reports again. And you can see some other ones that are a little bit more template-ish, right? So if I go to engagement, you can see maybe like web content consumption. Let me click into that one. This will give you a few visualizations. You can see this flow visualization of when people come in, where do they go? They go to these pages and then they go to these pages, et cetera. You can see the, again, top pages and a number of metrics based on those pages. And then you can see the flow to exit as well as a section flow. I think one more. Yeah, the top sections. So groups of pages, et cetera. So you can see that you’ve got about five different visualizations that have been added to this template. And once again, if you like them, you can keep them, you can delete them if you want, you can move them around. If you want this one to be, you know, only half of it is wide, you can do that. And then you can add other ones on the right hand side. So it is very customizable for whatever you need. In any case, work your way through those templates, you know, in that report section. Yeah, I can discard those changes and start with a new one. And so you’ve got these other ones to kind of look through, see if they have what you need and then go from there. Maybe one more tip is that when you go into one of them, I’m going to bring one back up, maybe that same one, and you really like this flow from entry, then I can right click on that and I can copy this visualization and I can put it into a different project. So as you go through these different templates and you go through these different reports, you can grab some of them and go, oh yeah, I want that one and I want that one, I want that one, and then put it into your project so that you have the visualizations and the data that you want and that will be the most beneficial to your analysis of your data. But in any case, that’s pretty much it. You will get started with creating a project like that. And then there are other videos that can help you work with different panels and with different visualizations in those panels and with the components and that data and dragging them in. So good luck.