Training Tutorial Template in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-03-27
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The Analysis Workspace Training Tutorial walks users through common terminology and steps for building their first analysis in Workspace.


Hi, this is Jen Lasser with Adobe Analytics Product Management. In this video, I wanted to give you an overview of our first Training Tutorial Template in Analysis Workspace. The training tutorial was added to workspace to help teach business users the workspace fundamentals as well as answer common business questions that they might have. To get to the training tutorial, you go to New Project and right next to Blank Project is the New Tutorial Template, so, we can go ahead and select this and click Create. In the tutorial, we go through some common terminology used throughout workspace, things like, what is a project? What is a panel and what are these different component types and colors that I see on the screen? We share a few tips for working within projects like the best tip of all, which is, Control + Z to undo a mistake and then the user can proceed through the tutorial. So, we start by having them analyze the dimension to answer a business question of what’s the top content that is visited on my website or my app? The user can self navigate through the steps, we go through metrics, date ranges, breakdowns, segmentation and then adding a visualization. Now the user can continue through the project, we teach them a little bit about data democratization such as curation and saving and once they reach the bottom they have the option to either continue on, to continue learning or go check their work in the answer key. So, in Continued Learning, we cover off on a few more advanced visualizations such as flow and fallout, we also do cohort and map in here as well.

At the very bottom we have the answer key, so they can go through each step and see if they got the same the answer that we got when we put this together. So, point all of your new users to this training tutorial template. You know, first day on the job, this is a great place for them to kind of get a primer and then you can dive in with them a little bit deeper on any of the concepts that they need additional help on. So, for the analysts listening, there’s some more that you can do with this. So, we built this training tutorial template on all out of the box dimensions, metrics and segments that it would apply for any customer that wants to use it. But since this is a template, you can go ahead and modify it if you’d like, you can change any of the text that you want, you can change the dimensions that you want them to drag over and really customize this for your business so that it uses, eVars, props and other custom events. From there you can choose to share it and you can also set it as the recipient’s landing page if you’d like or you can save this as a custom template and that will allow it to show up in that new project window. So, let’s say that we saved this as a Project Template, users would then go access it through Project > New and it would be available under the Custom Templates area. So ahead of this, I created a couple other template versions, I built one for internal search and that leveraged all the custom dimensions and metrics that I’ve collected to help with analyzing this and I also did marketing analysis so that I could train my users to use the Marketing Channel dimension instead of a stock campaign. Along with any of the templates you create, when you save that project, you can add a description so you can provide some helpful information about what that user is going to learn within this particular template. So, this is the training tutorial template that we’ve added to Analysis Workspace, we hope it helps your business users get up to speed and also you as analysts to train those users even further through the custom templates that you create. -

This template is available as a standard template in the New Project modal. From this template, you can create your own tutorials, tailoring them to your organization’s unique use cases and data structure (eVars, custom events).

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