Choose segments for a panel

Last update: 2023-05-31
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Learn some tips and strategies for applying segments to a panel in Analysis Workspace.


Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video I want to give you some tips on using the segment drop zone at the top of a panel. So right up here at the top of any panel you’re going to have a segment drop zone where, no big surprise, you can drop segments to limit the data that is showing up in the different visualizations in this panel. Now, I guess you know to start, we’ll just kind of mention that obviously you can go to your segments. These are like the, you know, the five you’ve looked at or used the most recently, and you can show all of them. You go ahead and just click on that. You have a big list of all your segments and you can, you know, drag one in. Here’s Purchasers and just drop it in there. It’ll give you that nice hint on when to drop it. And so we drop it right in there and then it updates all of our data to show, just for the Purchaser’s segment. Okay, great. That is the most basic of things but powerful obviously to do that all in one fell swoop. But there are a lot of other cool things that we can do to create and add segments right here. So I’m just going to delete that one. If you’re done with that and you don’t want that anymore, you can just remove that segment and it goes back to all of the data. Now, in addition to just finding this segment from the segment list of segments you’ve created, let me go ahead and just nuke that for a second, so we see all of our different components. You can also drag any other component. There’s your little tip, any other component, into this section, and it will create a segment for you. For example, I can go down to the metrics and I can grab orders and I can drag that up and just drop it right in. Now what does it mean when I drop that in there? Well, it’ll give you a hint here because whatever you drop in it will say it exists, okay? That’s kind of the default behavior for dropping any of these components in there. It’ll say it exists and if you look at this little info bubble here, it will show you that it has created a Hit segment or a Hit-based segment where orders exist. Which is basically, you know, just the pages where that order has been reported. I’m going to show you some other options on that in just a minute, but I just wanted to show you that that’s kind of the behavior of dropping that in. Let me go ahead and get rid of that one. Now, as you do this, just remember that, you know you can always click on that little info bubble to kind of see exactly what you’re looking at. Maybe we’d like to look at a certain day of the week. Well, if I grab Day of the Week and just drop that in, then you can see that it is Day of Week exists, right? And so it’s Hits where a Day of the Week exists. Well, as you can see here, that’s everything because one of the days of the week is going to exist on that data okay? So that’s not going to help us very much. If you wanted a specific day of the week, let’s go ahead and get that one out of there, then you can click on the arrow over here and you can just grab one of the days of the week, like Sunday Visits and go in there and actually it’s Sunday Hits, right? Because remember dragging those components in there will say that the Day of the Week equals Sunday, or you know Day of Week equals Sunday exists. And if we look at that info bubble again, it is a Hit-based segment. Now that’s going to be okay. That doesn’t get us any more, you know, to choose something like a Visit-based segment because you know on any given Visit, all of the Hits will be in the same day of the week, but it will matter in some of the other components that you might drag in there. But in any case, I wanted to show you that you can not only drag the component itself in, but also component values, if you want to get more specific like we’ve done here. Now again, this one is where you know there’s going to be a day of the week on every single one. Let me get rid of that. And let’s go back and let’s do something like Tracking Code where you know not every Hit on your site might come from a tracking code or in other words from a campaign. Now, as I just showed, I can click on this arrow and I can see all these different tracking codes. So if I do want to limit this very quickly to a very specific tracking code, I can drag that over and it’ll show me just all the data that came from this one tracking code. However, let me go back and if I drag in Tracking Code itself, well like we did before it does Tracking Code exists. This can be very helpful because now you can just very quickly see all of the data for people who came from any of our campaigns because Tracking Code exists. Now what if we want our data just when no Tracking Code exists? Well, if I get rid of this, that doesn’t mean that, right? 'Cause this is now no segment. So this means data for Tracking Code Visits and Non-Tracking Code Visits. It’s all of our data. So there’s a couple ways I can do this. I can go into the Tracking Code and go over here to the values and I can drop in Unspecified, which means no tracking code. So if we drag that in, you can see my little tip there, Tracking Code Does Not Exist. So this is all of the data when there was no tracking code. I just want us to remember our page views there for a second. 549.66, okay, 549.66, because if I get rid of this, that goes higher, in any case, and I go back and I bring Tracking Code back over. And again, this is the opposite now. This is where Tracking Code Exists. Now one very cool thing that I can do is I have this, you can see, quick segment here. I can go ahead and click this little edit icon and as you can see my message up here, edit this quick segment. So instead of going into the builder, I can click on this and just get this little popup builder here and change a few things. So I can do a couple things here. I can either do Tracking Code, you know, Does Not Exist right down there at the bottom. I can even go in here and say, Exclude Hits Where Tracking Code Exists. Either one of those and if I go ahead and apply that, then you can see it’s the same data as I had before with 549.66 on page views, you know where I went into Tracking Code and put Unspecified up there. So there’s a few ways that you can do it. It all gets you to the same data. You just need to know how to set these things up. Now let me go back into that, and we’ll switch it back to Include and let’s apply that and take a look at our numbers again. So page views were 474.36 thousand okay? 474.36. Now if I go back in there, I can also change this from a Hit-based segment to a Visit-based segment. Let me go ahead and apply that. And now I have substantially more page views because it didn’t only include the Hits where there was a tracking code, which is in essence the landing pages, but it is Visit-based and so now it included the rest of the Visits when people came in from a tracking code. You can even go in and change that to a Visitor-based segment. And so now you’re asking, “Well tell me about the Visitors, all the page views for all the Visits of any Visitors who came in through a campaign.” So you’re kind of saying, “Tell me about the people who respond to my campaigns and apply that.” And of course that’s even a bigger number there. So within the last 60 days, here’s what people did or here’s the data for people who responded to any of my campaigns. So it’s a very quick way and helpful way to be able to add a segment and to tweak it. But keep in mind that you need to know what it is because you can see this isn’t very helpful to know that this is a Visitor-based segment. Okay, now a couple more quick things. Let me go ahead and get rid of that and I’m going to go back to Day of the Week and we’ll add our Sunday people here. And then I’ll go back over here and say, you know I’ll go back to orders and I’m going to drag that and not replace it over here, but I’m going to add it in addition. So I’m going to add another one and you’ll see that I even get another one that I can add here. So you can add multiple segments and this makes it an And so people who came in on Sunday and there was an order, but once again remembering that this is just the Hits where there was an order. So in this case, I may want to change this to Visit. Let’s get rid of that up there and go to Visit and go to Visit and apply that. And now I have my data for Visits where there was an order and it was also Sunday. So I just wanted to show you, in case you didn’t know, that you can put multiple segments up there and you can do the same thing with segments dragging from here. You can bring those up, et cetera. Anyway, just some tips there on great ways that you can use this segment drop zone. I hope that was helpful. Good luck. -

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