Quick Insights Panel in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-05-31
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Quick Insights provides guidance for non-analysts and new users of Analysis Workspace to learn how to answer business questions quickly and easily.


Hello, this is Travis Sabin with Adobe Analytics Product Management and today I’m going to be walking you through our new Quick insights panel in Analysis Workspace.

Quick insights is a new panel type within Analysis Workspace that is designed to help non-analysts and new users get up to speed and utilize Analysis Workspace in a much more intuitive and friendly way without forcing users to know how to build a table and where to put things and what to use. So, this is how the blank panel looks like. When you first open it you’ll be greeted with a tutorial to guide users through the definitions of the components within Analysis Workspace to help users become familiarized with what a dimension is, what a metric is, what a segment is, and what a date range is. Once you’ve completed the tutorial or if you skip the tutorial, then you’re presented with this fill-in-the-blank structure here at the top which is tied to this table and this visualization. So in here you have to have at least one dimension and one metric, hence the little asterisks here in the examples in order for it to populate. And to do that, you can click this dropdown, you can come in and you can just type searching for something or you can use our traditional method of dragging and dropping into the little pill space. So, I’m going to add a dimension, and then I’m going to get a metric as well. You’ll notice here on the metrics and dimensions, we have a little popular tag. That is an algorithm we use to generate company usage across your different components to help you understand maybe where to start because sometimes users come in and aren’t sure what they should begin with. There’s so many dimensions and metrics. So popular is a very subtle tag that we put in here to try and make it a little bit more obvious as a potential place to start. So once you have a metric chosen along with your dimension, the freeform table will automatically load for you. We put the components in their most common places and the visualization is attached to the table so it builds as well. And so very quickly, out of the box, without having to know how workspace builds and functions and the underlying structure, you can get a real quick table and vis accompanied with it right away. And then you can obviously add a segment as well to put on top of that if I want to do it by mobile users. And then you can change the date range if you want, you can do a custom date range, or you can choose one of our presets, any of the above, or you can stick with our default of last 30 days. That is the highest level of what building goes on. Now, here you have the option to add more metrics, dimensions and segments. You can add up to three levels, or have three total levels, I should say. So, you can have two additional dimensions to break down what you originally did. So if I want to break down my page by browser, and then my browsers by countries or regions, you can do that and then very quickly, the table automatically updates. So now I have my top level page broken down by a top level browser broken down by my top level countries. And so really quickly, I’ve got this very detailed table without having to know where to put things, how to build it properly, really quickly out of the gate. You can add, like I said, multiple metrics. So, if you wanted to compare visits and checkouts by pages, you can do that. And they automatically get added side by side.

Now, if I want to remove any of these items, I have these little X’s here on the outside of these pills and the top level ones are on the inside. If you remove an item and there’s an item below it, it will automatically bump that item up. So in this case, countries will replace browsers if I get rid of the browsers, and up level it. If I get rid of the top level one, it’ll up level that one. And so, things can just get moved up like that and replaced. You can also simply hit the Clear button over here to start completely from scratch. So let’s get back to our basic use case with a page and visits, and let’s say I want to add multiple segments. So if I have my mobile users again, and let’s say I want to compare them to my desktop users. So, by default, we combine the two segments together. So now they’re filtering one another, as well as visits. So, it’s a stacked rank, or stacked filtering. But if you want to compare these two side by side, you can click compare. It’ll pop them next to each other and add visits under both. So now you can do a comparison of my mobile visits and my desktop visits and see how they’re doing against one another. And then, obviously, the visualization changes dynamically as well. So some really easy functionality to, again, get segments in and putting them in the right places to fulfill those use cases of comparing them to one another or using them as a larger filter on top of one another. So another thing obviously down here, if a bar chart isn’t what you’re looking for, we’ve up leveled the vis selector onto the actual header of the vis option here. So, you can come and choose really quickly what other vis type you want to do. If you wanted to do a line for some reason or if you wanted to make it a donut, you can do that. And then you can go ahead and change it directly there. So that’s just another thing we’ve done to try and make it a little bit easier for people to find what they’re looking for and make changes quickly. Now, in the beginning, there was a tutorial for you to start with. If for some reason you clicked away, or you wanted to do that tutorial again, we’ve embedded them here in this little Help icon. So if you open this up, the first thing is just a little explanation what this is with a link to the doc page. But if I wanted to see that tutorial again that we had in the beginning, I’ll click on that, and it’ll automatically build and you can go through all the steps once again if you wanted a refresher on it. Now after your first visit, 24 hours later, you’ll have a second tutorial pop up, which is this More tips one. It walks users through some other things that you can do within Workspace just to help you get familiar with some, maybe some next level things beyond the basic functionality that we have here. But if you want to pop that one as well, just like I did, you can click it directly there. This one will only progress if you have a dimension and a metric because it keys off some of these other pieces here to help you learn about breakdowns and so on and the tables themselves and some things you can do here. So this is another great tool tip tutorial that we’ve put in here to help users learn a few other next steps and things you might want to do once you’ve kind of gotten started. So, these tutorials are always here, always available to pop and load anytime you might need them. Alright, let’s do one other thing. So now all of this within Quick insights has been governed by this builder at the top. Now, many of our advanced users might get started for something quick and then they realize they want to go deeper beyond three levels or whatever it might be. Now, it fully supports dragging and dropping directly onto the table just like you normally would. However, by doing so it will break the connection with the builder at the top. And so if you drag and drop anything on here, or if you remove something from the table directly without using the builder at the top, you’ll get this warning telling you that you’re going to get out of sync with the builder at the top. You’re okay to do so but we just want you to know what you’re getting yourself into, in case again, this is for a newer user, and they’re doing something unintentionally. So, you can continue, you can undo, and so on. If you continue, the builder at the top is grayed out. And so, you can see that you can’t manipulate it anymore. But you’ve been able to drag and drop what you want on here. You can go ahead and keep going and the vis is still attached to the table, and you can do your normal in-depth analysis within a freeform table that you might normally do. But at any point, if you want to get back to where you were before, you simply click on Resync. and this will take you to your last sync state that you had saved here in the builder and will update the table accordingly. And so now you can come back to using the table at the top as your governing feature. So that’s a little bit about how things can get out of sync or how you can get them back into sync. And then the last thing, because this is a new panel type, it is accessible here within the panel menu within Workspace, so you can just drag and drop that directly on here. Or if you’re coming from the very, very first landing screen within Workspace, we’ve up leveled Quick insights to be alongside our other templates. So it’s here really easy for newer users to find and to get started with it right away in case they don’t know about the panel menu within Workspace. So, you simply click on that, and then you’re off and running. So that is Quick insights. Again, we hope that this provides a good starting place for a lot of your newer users, for non-analysts and even for power users. This can help you do some quick and dirty analysis without having to go through the trouble of having to build a table yourself. So hopefully this is helpful and thank you for your time. -

For more information, see the documentation.

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