Using Tables, Visualizations, and Panels in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-05-31
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In this video you will learn how to use the building blocks of your Analysis Workspace project, namely panels, tables, and visualizations. These elements are the canvas upon which your data is painted.


Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video I want to talk about using tables, visualizations and panels in your Analysis Workspace projects. So in our last video, we talked about projects themselves and we created a couple of projects, we created a brand new empty project that we could start from scratch and put tables and visualizations and panels on. And we also created this project that we’re looking at here which was based on a template and it had already automatically added some visualizations and tables that we can see if we scroll down, et cetera. And then we also pasted a new visualization at the bottom, et cetera. Okay, so now we want to talk about adding visualizations and adding tables and adding panels. So first, I’m going to start with what is a panel and you can see that there’s a gray area around here and there’s this white area that has our visualizations on it. And this is a panel, so it’s basically a wall or a canvas where you can put the different visualizations and tables. And so we just have one right now and we can add other ones and I’m going to come back to that in a second but I want to first go in and add a table or two and a couple of visualizations and then we’ll get back to panels. So when we want to add any of these, we go to the left rail where at the top, we have panels. And again, we’ll come back to those, and then we have in the middle, visualizations and actually tables and visualizations are all in that one area. And then we have the components which are the dimensions and metrics and such that we will put into our tables and into our visualizations, et cetera. So I’m going to go to the visualizations here and going to add a freeform table. So I simply drag this over and drop it where I want it and we’ll put it right here at the top. And so that’s always the first step of using visualizations is dragging the one that you want over to the right and putting it in the place that you want and you can always move it around later, that’s fine but put it in the place you want and then you’re going to need to almost always add some information to the table or visualization and obviously here, we need to add some data. And so we’ll simply jump into the components here and we’ll build a real simple one because we’re going to talk more about dimensions and metrics and segments and such on other videos. But I’m just going to drag in this page dimension and you can see that it’ll build this drop zone for me and highlight it so that I can drop it right in the right place.

And this will build this table for me and it’ll automatically put in occurrences which is basically any touch of this item here. And so we could also add page views as a metric which makes a lot of sense for pages and I can drop it up here, either add it or replace it, et cetera, drop it on the other edge. So I’ll just replace this for now.

And we have a basic table. And so that’s the first thing to know, you can drag and drop dimensions into the table and the metrics into the table for the columns and you can add more metrics and again, we’ll do some more of that in another video. Now, you’re probably going to want to also name it better. So I can put in like My Pages and then we can also add another visualization. So if we want to add a visualization based on this data, I go back up to visualizations and we start to think about how we want this data represented in a visualization. And so one way that’s pretty basic and old faithful here, bar chart, we’ll drag that over and we’ll put it right above that table. Now it’s going to open these settings and say, what do you want this based on this data? What do you want it based on? And it is based on My Pages. And so that is correct, so I’ll go ahead and close that but we can also go over to the settings, the configuration here and I can say, well, I don’t want 14, how about just top 10? And so you can change some things about that, you see that there are other items in here that you can change as well. So, once you add a visualization, you’re going to want to configure it, you’re going to want to move it around, you can make it smaller or bigger, you can move it above or below things, et cetera but make it look the way that it makes the most sense to you and the way that will be the most helpful. So let’s do one more just for fun, I’m going to add another freeform table above that and we’re going to go into our components and instead of adding a dimension this time, I’m just going to add a metric so I’m going to add visits. I’m going to drop it right in the metric area here. And you can see that when you drop in a metric without having dropped in a dimension, it will default to time-based dimension and in our case, since we’re looking at the last 30 days on this panel, it will do a daily for those last 30 days here. I’m also going to drag unique visitors and add that and again, we’ll get our drop zone where we can just move it over until it says add and then drop it. And now we have visits and unique visitors for that time period with totals at the top and then daily numbers down the columns. Now let’s go back to our visualizations and instead of hunting for some of these totals, maybe we want to put some big giant numbers at the top of our project. And so I’m going to add a visualization which is a summary number and drop that right up here at the top and you can see that by default, it is matching this visits number and it says it right down here at the bottom as well, visits. Now if I add another one, summary number next to it, well, once again, it is for the freeform table four, so the item right below it and that is what I want, I could always change that to the data coming from a different table but that is the table I want. But you’ll see that they’re both the same and what I really want is one to show visits and one to show unique visitors. Well, if I click on the unique visitors over here, they both change and so I don’t want them to both be the same thing but as I click around, those numbers will change. And so what we do is we click on this one for unique visitors and then I go up to the dot on this one to manage this data source and although I’m going to leave it on freeform table four of course, I’m going to lock this on the unique visitors, okay? And now when I click over to visits, it doesn’t change, just the other one does and now I’m going to lock that one on visits. Great, now it does say it down here, visits, unique visitors but I can also put this up here where it’s visits and visitors.

And then I can also move these around and make them a little easier to read, maybe move that one over a little bit and just make this one about the same size. There we go, now we have visits and visitors as big giant numbers at the top of our panel. And so this is how you add and configure tables and visualizations. Your tables are typically going to be the data and it might be all you need, I mean if I scroll down, remember that we have not only the one that we just added with the pages but from the other content consumption template, we already had pages where all of these different metrics that are page related had already been added. And so sometimes it’s just looking at a table and getting the numbers that you need from there. But again, if you need a visualization, then you can drag those over and tie those to the tables. In any case, on a visualization, go through these, move them over, configure them and move them around and that’s how you’re going to do that. Now, of course, we don’t have time to go through all the visualizations here so you’re going to need to go to the documentation or you can go to experience league and see some training videos there to help you understand how all of these different visualizations work and what they look like and how they can help you in your analysis. Now, before we move on, we need to talk about panels some more. So I’m going to click on panels at the top of the left rail and we have four types of panels here. Now also, if I scroll down to the bottom of my panel or the bottom of the last panel on the page, I only have one, then you’ll see a plus sign here and this will add a blank panel as you can see there. So if I add a blank panel, then it’ll give me some options here and I can even click on Freeform Table and that will add that freeform table there and I’m ready to go. And this what you see right here is exactly the same as dragging and dropping a freeform panel over. So if I do that, you’ll see that that’s really just the same.

And so you can do it either way, you can either click on the plus and then select freeform table or the other options there or you can drag freeform table in as well and that really covers blank panel and freeform and those are really the situation where you want to build it from scratch. These other two panel types, attribution and segment comparison are actually pretty amazing because instead of giving you a blank canvas, they are going to give you a bunch of tables and visualizations just like we had in templates but they’re going to be hyper focused on segment comparison or on attribution and so if I drag attribution down here for example and then we scroll down and it needs some information in order to build this, I’m going to jump into the components, I’m going to put a metric on here which is let’s put orders and I’ll drag online orders over here to our metric and then we’ll get rid of that and we will look for marketing channel and we’ll drag that in as our dimension.

Now we can look at our attribution models and by default, it will have a few of them selected. Last touch, first touch, linear, I will leave those for now but you can also use any of these other attribution models that are available to you. So I’ll leave those three selected and I’m going to hit build.

And as I mentioned, this builds a panel that is super focused on, in this case, online orders and marketing channels and it is all about attribution. So which marketing channels can we attribute the orders to? So it’ll give you some totals here and it’ll give you the different marketing channels in this case here and all the different data here and you can mouse over this and it will actually even highlight the items in the table and there’s lots more stuff here and I’m not going to go over all the different diagrams and visualizations here but you can get a lot of information here about attribution. And I’ll scroll to the bottom and we will add one more panel which is our segment comparison and as you can imagine, we’re just going to add a couple of segments to compare. So I go back to my components and look at the segments and we will compare, let’s say mobile customers and it’ll automatically put in everyone else so you can compare opposites there or you can even compare things that don’t really seem to be the same, like how about new visitors and mobile customers? And then I click Build and depending on the amount of data that you have, this can take a few minutes because it is going through all the different segments and dates and components here and this one’s going to be quick 'cause my data is small but it can take a few minutes but it is going through a ton of data to give you this information. And so again, we get a panel that is focused on segment comparison and we can see how these two different segments overlap and here’s the numbers and here’s the individual numbers and the overlap numbers. And then some of the other magic that happens is it looks at the top metrics against segments here that are statistically significant, having gone through all of our metrics to see which ones are the most statistically significant and it’ll do that for dimensions and also for the different segments here. So again, it’s going to give you a lot of information automatically by using that segment comparison panel. So just to sum up what we’ve talked about in this video, you’re going to start with panels, you can start with the blank or freeform panel if you want to start from scratch. Panels have a date associated with them and a segment associated with them right at the top of each panel and if you scroll up, you can see that it has a date that you can change, it has a segment that you can change et cetera for that panel and you can use blank or freeform to start from scratch or you can use attribution or segment comparison panels to get those prebuilt panels with those visualizations on them. Then once you have those, any of these, you can add visualizations and tables by going to this icon in the left rail, choosing your table, choosing your visualization, tying them together, configuring them and building your project. Hope this has been helpful and that as you learn more and more about these visualizations and panels and tables, that you will become a master of Analysis Workspace. Good luck.

For more information, visit the documentation for panels and visualizations.

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