Customize visualization legends

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Customizing the legends in your visualizations, also known as series label editing, is a great way to make your visualizations more understandable for everyone looking at the reports.


Hey everybody, how you doing this is Doug. And in this video, I want to show you one of the ways that you can customize your visualizations in Analysis workspace. And that is by editing the legends or the labels in your visualization, see right up here. And so here’s an example. If we have a line chart for these pages and it automatically put in a few of these, but let me just make it a little more cluttered if I can, I’m going to select a few of these. Maybe something like that, you know, and it starts to get a little more cluttered and especially this legend like this. And so in this case, if we wanted to make it a little more simplified and easier to read, we could simply just right click on here and then choose edit label and then we can change it to something like cart page views, something like that. And that makes it a lot easier to read than what we had there before. So you can just kind of go along and do the same thing. We’re going to go edit a label here and we’re going to go cart visits. And you can do the same thing. And we have cart unique visitors, or just maybe cart visitors here. And then you’ve got checkout page views and checkout visits, et cetera. And then you’ve got the shipping page views. So you could go along and simplify this, make it easier for people to read that legend or these labels. And sometimes this is called series label editing. Now sometimes you would do this, not only just to make it shorter and easier to read like that, but maybe if there are some confusing things, you might even make it a little bit longer just to clear up some stuff. So for example, I have here these pages and there’s a women’s page and a men’s page, et cetera. But if I go down below here and I go to site sections, there’s also women’s, men’s, children site sections. So where the site section is any number of pages, for example, in the women’s section, the page that’s called women’s with the exact same name is just one page. It’s kind of the head page. It’s the group page for that section. But if we have those names the same, and we want to be able to differentiate that in one of our visualizations, we can do that. Now you can see I’ve added a donut chart here, a donut visualization. And if I go up here and click on this, we see that it is actually attached to this site section table. I need to name this better, right now it just says freeform table six, it’s at least pointing at the same one. And normally, obviously we would name that better and say site sections, but in any case, it is pointing at the right one. So if I wanted to know that these were actually sections and not the pages, you know, I could put that up here. I could put, you know, site sections here, but just to make sure I can also, for example, right click in here and say, you know, women’s section. And so again, sometimes it’s just for clarification. I don’t know if that was the greatest example, but you get what I mean, sometimes it’s just for additional clarification, whatever it’s going to take really, for your analysts and other people, looking at these reports to really understand them so that they can know how to act on them. Hope that was helpful. And I hope this is a great way that you can use to customize your visualizations. Good luck. -

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