Dimension-Graph Live Linking in Analysis Workspace

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

We don’t quite know what to call this, but it’s sneaky-cool. When you create a line graph from a dimension value, you can now select different dimension values and change the graph dynamically. Watch the video to learn more!


Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video, I want to talk about dimension and graph live linking. So what is that? Well, that really just means the live linking or the connection between the items in a table, in this case, we have the dimension Product, and we have our list of products. The connection between these items in a table and a visualization that might be sourced from this table, or that might be connected to this table. Now, if you’ve watched other videos about some of the different visualizations, then you’ve probably already seen how those visualizations are connected to tables, and how we can actually change what is in the visualization by clicking on something different in the table, and that’s just exactly what we’re talking about here. But sometimes we talk about it in those other visualizations as almost a problem, like, “You better hurry up and lock it, or else it’s going to change.” Here, let me not get ahead of myself and show you what I mean. Let’s just easily make a line graph by clicking on one of these items in here, and I’m just going to do a line visualization of this luggage set. Okay, and it’s really the same if I just would’ve dragged a visualization over, but that was a quick way of doing it. And then we can see that this, of course, connected to this luggage set here. Now, if I really always wanted to know the very top one, or if I always wanted to know how this luggage set was doing, then I can easily go up to the data source settings for this line graph, click on that, and lock that selection, either locking it to position number one, or locking it to the luggage set. And so that’s a great use case to be able to always understand how your luggage set is doing, or to always understand how number one is doing there. But in this video, I want to talk about the opposite use case, which is, let’s unlock that, then I’ll click out of that. Because what if I just want to do kind of some ad hoc analysis on this? And I want to see, for a minute anyway, how this luggage set is doing over the last four full weeks in this case. And so I can go through and I can see there were some dips and there were some highs and lows, and there was some anomalies, maybe, et cetera. And I can see that, but when I’m done looking at this, maybe I want to kind of take a look at this Gypsy Leather Pink Hobo, whatever that is. So I’m going to click on that one, and now I get a new trend, of course, 'cause it’s changing to this one I’m clicking on. And that is the live linking that we’re talking about here. And what it allows you to do is to kind of click through and do this ad hoc analysis and go, “Well, let’s take a look at the watch. Did the watch have those same down days?” So for example, we went back up to the luggage set, that down day was like, maybe August 1st. So if I click on, you know, the watch or one of these other products, did it also have a down day then? No, not really, and then not great, but it wasn’t like everything stopped selling on that day, it was just maybe a little lower day for that luggage set. In any cases, you can see, there’s some great use cases to either lock or to leave unlocked a visualization. I hope that was helpful, have a great day.

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