Getting data into visualizations

Last update: 2023-05-31
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

When adding visualizations in Analysis Workspace, there are a few different ways to add data to them, depending on the visualization type. This video demonstrates these methods.


Hey everybody, this is Doug. Today I want to show you a few different ways to get data into visualizations, or how to associate data with visualizations. And there’s a few different ways that we’re going to talk about. Now, the first thing to know is that with the different visualizations, it’s going to use different methods. And so, it’s just kind of, you know, per visualization type. When we talk about how to get data into that visualization. Now, some visualizations you can see here like this map visualization, or even this Venn diagram. They have fields here that are asking for a very specific thing, add a metric, or you can see over here, add a segment or add a metric. And so, when it’s asking for one thing here, or sometimes when it’s asking for more but especially when it’s asking for one thing, you have a couple of options. First of all, you can click on this drop down. And in this case, obviously it’s going to be filled with metrics and you’ll be able to see that this list is basically exactly like the list that’s over here, except for that it’s going to show more and you can just scroll down through them exactly as you would if you click, Show All, over here. So, I’m a big fan of this dropdown because not only can you see all of them, but you can also search. And so, let’s say I wanted to show revenue on my map. Then I can grab any of those revenue metrics including just regular revenue right there and then build my map of where my revenue is coming from. Now, of course, if I want to change that and show something like visits or visitors, I can click on this little edit right here and change that to whatever I want. Maybe I just want something like unique visitors and rebuild that. And it’s really the same thing for the Venn diagram. You have this great drop down here. And that list of segments here is just like the list of segments over here on the left-hand side. So, I can select segments right there or for any of these, including the map and these are the ones, I can always drag from this other side as well. So, if I wanted to do one of these other segments and drag that over, I can drop that in as well. So, you can drag and drop the metrics. You can select them from the dropdown, et cetera. And then of course you can build your visualization. Now let’s get a little more complicated. You have like the follow-up report. And so, there are some where it just says, add touch point. Well, touch point is not really, you know, one of these words over here, it is specific to the fallout report. And what you’ll get here is a list of several different components. In fact, you can even jump into the segment builder right here, but you’ll get lists of dimensions, you’ll get lists of segments and you’ll get lists of items as well within those dimensions. And so, if I want a specific marketing channel, I can click right here and then select one of these marketing channels as my first touch point in this follow-up report. And then of course I could, you know, select other things maybe page and that’s not a marketing channel. So, I go back here like this and scroll down a little bit Page, and we can go down to entry page or exit page or even just down to page and look for a specific page.

And let’s just say the homepage. So, you can see in some of these drop-downs, they act very much like these left-hand side component interfaces where you can go to the items to place those over there too. It’s just a very quick way to do it if you just use the dropdown. So once again, we’ve covered both drop-downs and dragging things over. Now, in some cases because there’s almost anything you can drop here, it doesn’t really have a dropdown. There might be, I don’t know maybe too much to put in there, but since you can drop a metric here or any other component, then that one does not have a dropdown, but just relies on you to drag and drop the component that you want into this freeform table. Or of course you can use the Table Builder. And that’s another way for you to get data into this specific visualization. The free form table is to use that table builder. Now these visualizations that I’ve mentioned so far and a few others are kind of self sustaining, if you will, right? You add the segments or you add the metrics and they are just on their own. And they build a visualization based on what you’ve added in there. However, there are some visualizations that need another visualization that need a table. So, for example, a bar or a bar stacked or a line, or, you know, a donut, these are the kinds of visualizations that need data to be put into them. So if I scroll down a little bit, I do have some data down here and I’ve got some basic metrics, but let’s just say that I drag a line graph and I put it right above this. The first thing that it’s going to ask me is, where’s the data? And so it guessed, but it didn’t guess one that was right. So I need to go in here and select in this case I want to select basic metrics. So, when they’re at the bottom and then it will show that data, right? There is my line graph for the unique visitors, visits and page views. And so, this is another way to get data into a visualization is to associate it with a table and then visualizes the data from that table. Of course, we could drag and drop additional metrics in here and be able to show those on the visualizations for that data as well. And then as a bonus may be an additional way to get data into a visualization. The Text Visualization specifically is to type it in, right? So that’s the way to get data in here is to type it in. I hope that helps to get the data into your visualizations. Have a great day. -

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