The Line visualization depicts metrics over a trended time period. Visualization settings enable you to customize how each line visual looks, and includes settings for Show X/Y-axis, Show min/max labels, and Show trend line.
Hi, this is Jen Lasser - with Adobe analytics, product management. In this video, I’m going to show you how to - use the line visualization and analysis workspace, as well as highlight - some of its key settings. Line visualizations are great - for showing trended data in a more visual way. Let’s say you have a - daily trend to table here, and you want to add in a visualization or a graph on top of that. There’s a few ways you can - do that from the left menu you can choose line and drag it over. The line Visualization will link itself to the table of your choosing. In this case, it shows key trends, but you can always click - the data source thought here and choose a different - table if you’d like, I only have one in this project so that’s why I selected this one. You can also quickly visualize - by clicking the vis icon here that will spawn off a line visualization for the particular item - that you’ve selected. The last way that you - can add in a line visual is if you right, click and go visualize and select line from the menu. So let’s take a look at - the different settings that are offered for - the line visualization. First of all, you’ll - see the legend up here at the top for the metric - that you’re trending. You can always right - click and edit this label to make it something - different if you’d like, you also have the axes down here, X and Y I notice this little arrow, you can always click that - to ensure that the axis is showing all the way to zero in the gear and the top right here, you have a lot of different - visualization settings that are available to customize - your line fees as well. Let’s take a look at what - some of these look like. The first one I want to - highlight here is granularity. So you can easily Uplevel - the granularity of the vis as well as the table using this option. So we could choose week if we’d like, and it will update everything - that you see underneath to a different granularity, additional options that I want - to show you here under axis. So you can choose to show - or hide the X and Y axis with these options. This is a great setting, If you want to shrink your graph, just makes it a lot more - focused on the actual trend and a little less on the axis - that was shown by default. You can also choose to - add different overlays so the line is so by - default, we show anomalies. That’s the band here that you see. So the dark line is the actual data. The dashed line is the expected data based on our anomaly detection and then the upper and - lower boundary there are the range of expected values - based on anomaly detection. So you can always choose to take that off if you really just want to - focus on the actual data. Additionally, you can choose - to show men and max labels so that the points that are - highest and lowest in the trend are highlighted and always visible. Last thing I wanted to highlight - here is show trend line show trend line will - overlay a regression line onto your line visualization. We offer a few different options - today, linear logarithmic, exponential power and quadratic. What this will do is it - will overlay a trend line onto your data so that you - can get a higher level picture of how your data is trending. Here you’ll notice we have - a lot of up and down peaks and valleys in our trend. Overlaying a linear trend - line really helps pull up the story that the data is - actually trending upwards across this time period. Now, if you were to have multiple metrics in this line graph, we would display both in the - line visualization by default, but you can always change what you’re seen by turning the legend on and - off, clicking them like this. When both are displayed, we do hide some of the things like min-max and the trend lines, and then they will display - themselves when you hover over a particular series. So I’m hovering over visits, and now I can see more information, same would go for art - orders trend as well. Now these two data points are on totally two different scales. So you do have additional options when you have multiple series in the line, you can choose to display dual - axis if you have two series, I’ll turn on the Y axis here. So you can see it plots each series against its own axis so that you can see the - trends a bit more clearly. If you were to have more than two series, you would also be able to - choose from normalization that would just normalize - each series on its own so that they could all be displayed kind of in the same format - within the line viz. So this has been an overview - of line visualizations. Again, use them to visually bring to life trended data that you might - otherwise show in a table, and then go further to - explore the different settings that we offer that really help you add different access controls and overlays to craft the exact line visualization that will help tell your data story.
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