This video shows you how to use the map visualization in Analysis Workspace. The map visualization will allow you to view either mobile lat/long or web (IP address) data against a dynamic map, allowing you to get an idea of customer usage in the context of their location.
Hey, everybody. It’s Doug. In this video, I want to show you just a couple of tips on using the Map Visualization. Pretty easy to use, but there’s a couple of options that we can look at today. So, I’m here in my project. I’m going to go over to Visualizations and then scroll down and grab the Map Visualization down here, and drag it into my project, and then you just really have a couple of things to do, and one is to put in a metric. So, you can drag it over from the left-hand side or you can actually get it from this dropdown here and if it’s not here, you can scroll down for it, you can search for it, et cetera. I’m just going to choose Visits, and then, do you want the mobile latitude/longitude or a geographic dimension? I don’t have any mobile data in this report suite, so this is grayed out, but, if you have mobile data, then you can choose that, of course, and then we go ahead and build it. Now, you can make this bigger or smaller if you want. I’m going to go ahead and stretch this out so we can see a little bit better in the video if I can grab that and pull it out, and maybe I’ll make it bigger this way as well, and you see I’m going around the world twice here. So, I will just kind of zoom in. I’m going to do this with my mouse, but if you don’t have a mouse that can do that, you can always use these “Zoom in” and “Zoom out” buttons over here, and, as you zoom into an area, I’ll just zoom into the United States here, and I’ll grab it, and drag it over into the middle, and you’ll be able to see that as you zoom in, it will break up those numbers into the smaller regions, and sometimes it’ll need to take a second to rebuild. Let’s go over to the East Coast. We have a little higher numbers there maybe, and then you can go up and change the options. So, if we go up to the gear, we can click on that, and we’re going to change a few things. Now, first of all, what is the map type, bubbles or heat map? Easy to kind of see, if we just do this, you’ll get more of that heat map flavor in there, I guess, and we can go back to bubbles. You can choose the color theme for the bubbles, and then you can also choose the map style for the map underneath it and I’m going to get back to that in a second here. Now, if you want to get more granular with your cluster radius, then you can bring this down. You can see there, that’ll break it up into more bubbles, or, if you kind of want to have a higher view of that, we’ll just bring that up and you can make that bigger, like this. Another thing you can do to make this easier to see is you can change this custom max value. You can see this is at 91,000, but I don’t really have any numbers that are that high, so when you get down to these numbers that are lower, it’s hard to tell the difference in just looking at the bubbles and so, if we bring this number down, like, a lot, bring it down, we’ll see what that does. Then, you can see that, you know, the bigger bubbles have the bigger numbers and you can drag that down for even higher differences between those bubbles. So, I like that a lot, so I’m going to leave that down like that. Now the color theme, you can see this is a heat map color scheme. It’s not a heat map style, but it is the heat map color theme where the higher numbers are more red and the lower numbers are blue and such. So, again, you can choose your map style. You can go from light to dark. Dark is pretty cool, except for when you get to some of these smaller bubbles, it’s hard to see the numbers. So, maybe you don’t want dark. You can choose light, or bright even. You can choose one that has more streets on it if you want to look at how people are on one side of a freeway or another. You can even go to Satellite so you can see those numbers across a different landscape and such. So, I’m going to go back, though, and just do a very basic one. Well, there is Basic, there is that as well, but I sort of like this one that is the default one there with light. So, I’m going to leave that, and then we can change our color scheme. So, again, you can kind of see those bubbles, and go back up and click that again. I accidentally clicked out of it, so I’m going to make that even a bigger discrepancy there between those two, and then you can see the different color themes as I choose, you know, maybe corals, or reds. You’ve got greens there, again, you know, darker green if it’s a higher number, darker blue, same kind of a thing, and, again, the heat map colors. The last one that’s on there, is this positive and negative. So, if you do have positive and negative numbers, then this is a good choice, as well. Now with visits, you don’t have negative numbers, so it wouldn’t be so great with this one although, you know, it’s still fine, but everything is, you know, a shade of green, so that’s fine. That’s a lot like just, you know, selecting greens up there, but if you leave it on positive and negative and if you have a metric that you want to show that has both positive and negative numbers, then this is a really good choice 'cause now I can go over and choose this Revenue Percent Change. So, I built this calculated metric just to show, you know, comparing the current timeframe to the last timeframe of the same size, am I up or am I down? So, you can see that here and we’re comparing the date ranges and, you know, it is percentage up or percentage down. Okay. So, what we can do is we can edit and then I can drag that one over and replace Visits and rebuild. Now, I’ll have some greens and some reds and I think if I come out, I’ll be able to see this even a little bit better, and I’m going to change this so that my custom max value, bring this down here, and you can see that Saskatchewan is doing great when some of these other ones are not doing as great and especially the ones, you know, Manitoba, the neighbors there, not doing so great with the -85, so you’ve got more of a red color in there. So, in any case, that is a good choice, again, if you have positive and negative numbers. Again, that was, going back in here, that was a color theme for the bubbles. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. Just a couple things you can do there with your map, but again, you can put any metric you want in there to help you be able to see geographically how your metrics are doing, just at a glance. Good luck. -
For more information on this visualization, please visit the documentation.