In this video, see how tables and visualizations are tied together through settings, and learn how to configure those settings for different analysis use cases.
Hey, what’s up, everybody? In this video, I’m going to talk about table and visualization data source settings. So, what do I mean by that? So we’ve got a table here, and we’ve got three visualizations, and we could, of course, add as many as we want. And the data source settings between these are really what links them together, okay. So a number of visualizations, including these ones up here. We’ve got this summary number, and another summary number, and a summary change, as well as a ton of other visualizations, like, you know bar charts, and area, and line, and bullet, and donut, and a bunch of these, probably the majority of them really depend on a table for their numbers. So the table is their data source. So when we talk about data source settings, we’re talking about a table, which is the source of data for a visualization or more than one visualization. In this case, all three of these visualizations are sourced from the table right below. Now, to give away the ending here, the data source settings are always on this little dot here. If I click on that, you’ll see data source settings there. Or if I click on the lock right here, which used to be a dot, I’ll show you that in a second, then that will get me also to the data source settings, and I can click on it again or just click away and it’ll go away. Now, let me go ahead and add one more. I’m going to add these items right here. I’m going to highlight those and add a line chart or a line graph, drop it right about there. And the data source settings come up automatically. Because the first thing you want to do is make sure that it is pointing at the right data source. So in this case, visitors and revenue table. Yes, exactly. Now, the next question is, do you want to lock it? So you’ll see that this one has this dot here because I haven’t locked it. If I lock it, it’ll have the lock. So I’m going to say, yes, let’s go ahead and lock that for sure. If I click around, I don’t want this line graph changing. So I click on that. Now, I need to decide if I’m going to lock this to the selected positions, which is in the positions one through four, in this case, the last four weeks, which is what I want to do, or you can also choose when you’re locking, am I going to lock it to the item, which would be to these very specific weeks, which would be, you know, not good in this case because as these weeks, you know as August 8th rolls off of this table, then, for one thing, it’s going to be static up here. It’s never going to change, and it’s not going to give me this last four weeks that I want, so anyway. So in this case, we definitely want selected positions. Selected items can be very helpful when especially you’re looking at very specific items, like maybe pages or products or something like that, but in this case, definitely positions. And now, you’ll see that that dot has turned into a lock because I’ve locked that, okay. So these are the data source settings, right? Which table is the data source if you’re going to lock it and then if you want to show it. So as you can see here, it has it’s showing, of course we can see it right there, but I can also then uncheck that. And the table goes away because if all I need are really the visualizations and I don’t need to look at the table anymore, then I can just make it go away. I’m going to magically bring it back here, just to show and let me click off of that one. And as I click over here from the table, you’ll see that it will link to those visualizations. And if I click on that, it will show the visualizations that are linked to it. So last four weeks visitors, last four weeks revenue, revenue direction, and this new line graph right there. And if I select one of those or just click on it.
It’ll bring me right up to that one and kind of highlight it for a second. So you can see those different visualizations that are sourced from that table. Now, a quick mention, if I bring that back up again, to this text down here, and it says it’s locked to data that may no longer be visible in the connected data table, et cetera. So this just means that if you have data that you have locked here and then you change something in the table, the visualization will still be locked to the old data that you locked it to. So if you do lock it and then you change something in the table and you want to see the table again, and in the form that it was locked too, then you can always click here and to create another table that that visualization will reference. So that’s pretty much it for the data source settings. I will mention that, you know, as we click into that, you’ll be able to see that there’s not only data source settings, but really the visualization settings, which if I click here, will come up and again these are the visualization settings. So for this line visualization, you can change some of the general settings, whether or not to show these different axes, the granularity, this is week of a week, but I could show daily, et cetera if I wanted to show min, max, trend line, et cetera. So I can change the visualization settings here as well. So it’s just kind of keeping this one modal, and you can switch back and forth from data source settings to visualization settings. Now the visualization settings are of course, different per visualization. So if I click to the visualization settings and again, you can get there from the left-hand dot or lock, or you can actually get there also from this gear right here of settings and that brings up that same modal. And so you can see here that this summary change visualization has different settings. So I’m not going to go over all of the different visualization settings in this video because you know, there’s all the different visualizations, but just know that you can get to those through either the gear or again through the dot or lock on the left-hand side. And for each individual visualizations settings, you can go to the video for that one, or you can go to the documentation. I hope this has been helpful and have a great day. -