Learn how to use functions in the creation of calculated metrics in Analysis Workspace.
Welcome to this video on the new and improved Calculated Metrics. In this video, I’m gonna show you how you can use the basic and the advanced Functions within the Metric Builder to create a filtered or weighted metric. All right. So, in this scenario here we’ve already introduced this metric: Destination Visit %. And as you can see here, when I sort by the highest Destination Visit percentages, I see a number of pages that don’t really have a lot of visits. So, they’re taking up the top of this report. So what I want to do is filter out anything, say below a thousand visits. And I just want to focus on the Destination Visit % for any page that has more than a thousand visits. Okay, so let’s go in and we’ll create this metric. I’m going to go over here and Add a metric.
We’re going to call this Filtered Destination Visits %. I’ll skip the description for now, but basically we’re looking at pages with more than a thousand visits for the Destination Visit % metric. Okay, and this will be a Percent. We’ll go 1 decimal place, should be fine. Again, this is Page Analysis. All right. So now, let’s get into the part where we’re creating the actual weighted or filtered formula. Okay. So, we go to the last one here - I’ve shown you Metrics and Segments, and now I’ll go to Functions. There’s a number of functions here. Obviously we’re not going to be able to cover all of them, but there’s a lot of statistical functions here and if we go into the Advanced section we can actually access some conditional rules as well. So, the one that I want to start off with is an if statement. Okay, so that brings up three different areas here - logical tests. We’re going to look for Greater Than and the metric we’re going to look at - I’ll go back here and get the Visits.
And then what we’re going to do here is we’re going to Add a Static Number. You want to click right here. If you click out here, it doesn’t do anything, but if you click right on that text there, add our number. Okay - done that. Now, that’s our condition. So, if it’s greater than a thousand visits, we’re set. If this is true, then we want to basically get our Destination Visit %.
So that’s going to do that. If it’s false, we’re going to Add another Static Number here. In this case, sometimes in the past, examples have used 1. In this case, because I’m using a percentage, that would not be good. So I’m going to go with 0, because 1 would basically be 100%. So, I think we’ve got everything here. Now we’re going to hit Save. So let me just show you what we did again, just to review and make sure we’re all on the same page here. So, you see the summary here: we’ve got a logical test, so it’s basically looking at visits over 1,000 and, if that’s true, then do the calculation of, basically, the Destination Visit %. And if that’s false, then just put a 0 in that column.
All right. We Save that.
And now what we see here is the same visits that we had where there are a lot of pages that right now are filtered by Destination %. You’ll see that there are 0s for them. So, if we actually filter it and sort it by the Filtered Destination %, those pages will disappear - so really just only focusing on the high volume pages that really matter and will make a difference. So, there’s lots of power there. Obviously I barely scratched the surface of the advanced and basic formulas and functions that you have there, but they’re really powerful and can give you lots of options on creating new metrics that really help you analyze your business. Thank you.
Please visit the documentation for more information on using basic and advanced functions when creating calculated metrics.