Overview of the metric builder in Analysis Workspace
All right. Welcome to this video on the new and improved calculated metrics. In this video, I’m going to walk through the metric builder. Alright, so in the previous video I showed you how to add metrics to a report. Now we’re going to go in and we’re going to create a new calculated metric. And so, the way to do this again, I would go to show metrics, and you’ll see there’s a button “Add”. And so, that’s one way that I can create a new metric, and that’ll take me to the builder. So, let’s do that So, I’m going to add a metric. And that’ll bring me into the builder itself. So, before I go too far I want to show you. First thing I want to talk about is how do I get back to the report. You know, say I’m done creating my metric and I want to get back. So, I have a couple of options to get back. I don’t have to navigate through the left rail here. I can actually click “save” if I’ve already created the metric, or click “cancel”, and that’ll take me directly back to the report I was in when I clicked on the ad. And so, I do that, and then there’s the report that I was at before I began. But let’s let’s go back there. I want to add this metric. I want to create a new metric. And so, this is actually going to be a metric, and I’ll call this the destination visits. Okay. And so, I have here, just like in the segment builder I have a description, and so it’s important when you’re creating a new metric that you obviously give it a good title, but then the description can focus on how, you know, what’s the purpose of this metric. And then, secondarily, you know, is it applicable to everything or not. And so, in this case this metric looks at whether people are navigating to different pages or not. And, this metric should only be used with page analysis, not global policies. Alright. So, here, I’ve added description here, the format. So, I can choose the format, time, percent, currency. We’re gonna leave it as decimal. This one here. How many decimal places? I don’t need any decimal places. We’ll keep it at zero. This is a new thing, polarity, and so, this will factor into a lot of stuff down the road, but, basically we’re asking you to tell us you know if this metric is going up, is that a good thing? Or is it a bad thing? So, in this case it would be a good thing. I’m gonna add a tag here for page analysis, because this is really focused on page analysis, so I’ll add that as a tag, and then, let’s create our metric. And so, here I’m now ready to create the metric, and if I look up here I have three different options here. So, this is basically the metrics: we have segments, and we have functions. And so, let me just start with the metrics that I’m going to add here. So I can now, I’m going to take a very simple calculation, I’m going to do visits. Go to the top here and we’ll drag that into the definition window. And then, I’m going to look for entries and I’m going to drag that just below. You’ll see there’s this blue marker that indicates where it’s going to go, and I’m going to change that to a minus. So, basically I’m subtracting entries from visits. And so, this is useful for page analysis, because I see, basically, I exclude all of the people entering in on pages and I’m just looking for how many times people are navigating to a certain page. So, I’ve created my metric. I’ve even got a little preview here of the metric. But, in this case it doesn’t really matter, because we’re subtracting visits from entries. And I think we’re good. So. I’m going to save that.
Okay. So, now I’ve created this metric. Destination visits right here, you see it’s populating the report. Now I want to go back and create another metric. And, I’m not going to go the same way that I went last time. I’m going to go a different way, just to show you another way of getting to the same area. So, I clicked on the hamburger here, and now the left rail is expanded out. And, I’m going to go down to components. Okay. When I go to components, I see “Manage Calculated Metrics”. And so, that takes me into the metric manager, the calculated metric manager. And so, here I can see the metric that I just created and I’m going to add another metric here. So, before I go to add the extra metric, you’ll see here we have the title and description, you’ll see the report suite that it that it lives in, who created it, any tags that are associated with where has it been shared. So, if I wanted to share this destination visit with people, because I’m an admin, I can share it with everybody, or I could pick and choose who I want to share it with. But we won’t share right now. Alright. So, I want to add another metric. And so, I’m going to create a new metric here. Add. And that takes me back into the metric builder. This one is going to be a companion to the last metric that I created, called visit percent"; “destination visit percent”. So, this metric, I’ll give it a title or description, shows what percent of visits navigated to the page versus entered on the page. This is for page analysis only. Okay. So, this time I’m going to do a different format, percent. I’m going to add one decimal place. Again, if it’s going up, it’s good. I’m going to use the same tag that I used before because it’s page analysis. And now, what I’m gonna do is I’m going to take the calculated metric that I created before, destination visits, and I’m going to use this as the baseline for my, or as part of this calculation. So, I’ve already gotten that. So, I can basically use a calculation that I’ve already created or I could apply a segment, and we’ll get into that in a different video. And now, what I want to do is obviously, because it’s the precision, I want to divide that by visits. And so, I’m going to do this right here.
So, you notice I have the parentheses around these, and then divide it by visits. So, it looks like I’m good to go. I’m going to save that and now I’m going to go back to my report. So, let me navigate there. It didn’t take me back to the report I was on because, obviously, I navigated to it through the components navigation. So, let me just get back to the pages report here, and I’m going to add in those metrics that I just created, so let’s do a search for them. Destination visits and percent, add them to the report. Apply, and voila: I have the information on which of these pages are being navigated to and which are actually being mainly entry pages to my website.
Alright. So, hopefully that’s helpful. I’m kind of giving you a taste of the new metric builder, and look forward to sharing some other scenarios in the next video in this series. Thank you.
For more information, please visit the documentation