This video shows you how to build a segment in Analysis Workspace from sequences of behaviors on your site or in your app. In other words, you may want to build a segment of visitors who did “thing A” and then did “thing B,” so that you can see how that sequence of events affected all of the other data. Enjoy.
Hey everybody it’s Doug. In this video, we want to talk about sequential segmentation, which is one of the cool features of the segment builder and therefore the segments that are built by it. So let me go into the segment builder. I’m going to go over here on the left under segments and click this little plus right there. Segment builder comes up and then I can of course just create any segment I want. Now, when we’re talking about sequential segmentation, it’s really right there in the name. We want to see when people did, you know, thing A and then thing B and not in the other direction. Right, so we don’t really want B then A, we want A then B, then C, then D, et cetera. So it can really be done with any of your items, it could be pages, right? So they went from page A, then to page B, then to page C, could even be day of week, right? We want to know people who came in on a Wednesday and then they came in on a Sunday, I don’t know. Or we want to see people that touch product A and then product B, or purchased product A, then product B, et cetera. Or went from one site section to another site section. So again, all of these things can be sequential. Now you do want to ask yourself if it really needs to be sequential, like, do I really care about Wednesday and then, what did I say, Sunday? Or can it be Sunday, then Wednesday, you know, et cetera. So does it really have to be in that order or can it just be an and? Well we’re going to assume for a moment that we do want it in a certain order. In fact, I’ll just go up here to Marketing Channels and I’m going to drop Marketing Channels in there. I’m going to do this kind of the easy way where I even go into the Marketing Channel and say, let’s say people came in on Natural Search and I’m going to drop it down there. So Marketing Channel equals any of Natural Search and that can just be equals or equals any of, since I only have one item in this field. It’s really the same, equals or equals any of, and then I’m also going to say they came in through Direct. So I’m going to drop it below it. And right now we have an and, and so it has to be both. Now this is going to be like zero, obviously zero is up here, because on the same hit, they’re not going to be able to come in from Natural Search or directly to your site, like through a bookmark. So when you have multiple things like that, you need to be careful of your container. So we want to choose, let’s say a visitor, even a visit would be hard here. You probably have a few. Yeah, we have 47 in the last 90 days. People who on the same visit came in through Natural Search and then, you know, without timing out, they also came directly and maybe on a bookmark as well, but that’s not really what we really want. So let’s go to visitor. And now you can see we get a lot more people who at some point and likely on different visits, obviously on different visits, most of the time came in on Natural Search. And then maybe on a different visit came in directly from a bookmark. Now, if we want to do sequential, then we simply change this and to a then. Now this will change the number of people, it’s going to be lower of course, because there were some people who did the other direction, but not this direction. And so now we have visitors who came in from Natural Search, and then later on, came in through Direct. Now I can put a time constraint on this. I can say, you know, within a month or within a week or whatever, or I can even say after, right. They came in on one and then, you know, after a week they came in on another one. And, and so that, that’s kind of cool as well. But even if we just leave this, people who came in from Natural Search, and then they came in through Direct, we can put that up here.
Okay, and then we can save that.
And that will save to the top of the list of our segments. And then we can just drop it in and we can see how our different numbers will change from just these people, let’s drop it in.
Our visualizations then update. We can see how many people, what is the revenue, how’s the revenue going for those people? Not great. And so even, you know, a certain fallout through the shopping cart and the top products that people buy that came in through Natural Search and then came in through Direct. And so it can affect all those, so anyway, just a quick showing there on how to create sequential segmentation and as a teaser in another video, we’re going to talk about what happened either only before, or only after that sequence. And so I’ll put a link to that right below this video. Good luck. -
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