Component Curation in virtual report suites

Last update: 2023-10-18
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Virtual report suites can be curated to include and exclude dimensions, metrics, and segments in Analysis Workspace, which greatly helps if you’re sharing it with other teams who only need a specific slice of the data or use a different data nomenclature. For detailed documentation, visit Virtual report suite component curation.


Hey, everybody, it’s Doug. In this video, I want to double click down a little bit on the virtual report suites and talk about component curation. So when you are creating a virtual report suite, and you can see we’re in here in this wizard for a virtual report suite creation. And we’ve gone to the third step over here, which is components. And this is the name of the virtual reports, you’d appear mobile, we can select which components we want to include for this virtual report suite. So if we don’t want to include everything, because the people who will be viewing and using this virtual report suite don’t need all of the components, and so we want to limit it down, or maybe we just don’t want them to use it. In any case, we can select which ones we want them to have access to. So in that case, we can go ahead and click this enable customization of virtual reports or components. So we want to customize that click that, and we can start moving these components in the excluded section over to the included section. You can do it all in one fell swoop if you want with add all but you know, you don’t need to do that. You can also just add things one at a time. If you want to add this one right here, you can just add that one over there. Now it’s over there and you can do it one at a time if you want Let me go ahead and remove that one. And you can also then find them because there’s a ton of them in here. You can see how small this thing is. There’s a lot of them in here. And so if I don’t want to go through them one at a time, maybe I have tagged them appropriately. And if I had this is a great reason for tagging, you know, putting the labels the tags on your dimensions. Because if I go over here to this filter, I can filter it by tags, there’s some like built in ones. And then here’s all the other ones that I have created. So for example, if I had a video, virtual report suite, and I had tagged all of the components with this video tag, then when I click on that, it will show all of them now I’ve only done one of them in this demo data. But if you are doing it for your real stuff, you probably want to, these tags on your different components as you use them. So I will just get rid of that one for a minute. Now we also have if you click on that again, a couple of built in ones as well. So you can see here, mobile group. So these are ones that might be used by mobile report suites. So you can see all these here. So I can actually take all of those if I want to. And now the add all button is add all of them that I’m looking at. So I can add all 48 of those over there. And then again, I can get rid of that and I can add other ones if I want. I could search for anything that has the word add on it like that, you know, if I was doing something with these ads and, and media based reports, etc, then I could, I can actually use the search as well. But let’s call that good for a minute over here with these included components. Now the next thing I can do is also rename them if I want to change the name of the dimension to something that the users might find more comfortable or more understandable. So for example, if I just don’t jump down here, and you can see, I’ve actually already done this for visits and changed it to sessions. And I think I already did this for another one. Yes, I’m I changed page views to app screen views, since maybe that’s a little more appropriate for a mobile app. And if I wanted to, for example, I could even change unique visitors. If I want to change when I can go to this edit button, and then I can just change that to say users, for example, and just hit Enter. And now it has changed it to users. You can see here that the original one was unique visitors. And I’ve already saved that one. So let me just jump back to my report suite. You can see again, I changed visits to sessions. So if I jump back here, and I have changed it to my mobile virtual report suite, right, so I’ve gone into the selector and selected that mobile virtual report suite, there’s the identifier that it is indeed a virtual report suite. And now over in the metrics, you can see that I have sessions and have app screen views. And I didn’t save the other one. But if I were to save it, then come back over here, then I would have had users instead of, you know, unique visitors as well. So you can change the names of all these components, you can limit the components that are available in the virtual report suite. And hopefully that will help everybody understand what they’re looking at even better. Good luck.

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