Introduction to data warehouse export

Last update: 2023-11-01
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Learn how to take full advantage of the Data Warehouse Reporting UI and the export accounts and locations. This video covers basic workflow of a report delivery to both email and Amazon S3. For detailed documentation, see Data Warehouse overview and surrounding documents.


Hello, I’m Rick, annual principal product manager at Adobe Analytics. Today I’m going to share a new, improved experience for Adobe Analytics data warehouse reporting, data warehouse reporting as a data export option within Adobe Analytics that provides a path to export concatenated reporting tables to a location of your choice. If you need data beyond the limits of workspace, such as all rows, unique, succeeded, or special columns like IP address, Data Warehouse provides a great option. Let’s walk through the steps to set up a new scheduled report in Data Warehouse. In this example, I’m going to build a report that contains orders by marketing channel. I’ve already navigate in From Tools to Data Warehouse. Once I’m the data warehouse landing page, I’m going to add a new project and this kicks off the builder across the top of the builder. There are six tabs that represent the steps needed to complete in order to submit your request. A name my report and I want to do yesterday’s data, so I’m going to do a date range. Yesterday and in the first column of the report I want to see what hour of day it was where the action occurred. So I’m going to select my granularity to be hourly. Moving on to the next tab. We’ll build my report. Marketing channel and drag and drop that in. Bring in order ID.

Order ID instances as a metric. And I want my online orders.

And finally I want to limit this to just US visitors. So I’ve created a segment that does just that and then drop that into the segment area.

Now my report is looking pretty good. I’m ready to go on to the next stage and report destinations. You’re going to set up and define your account and your location and account as your credentials for a specific destination. And the location is the folder in which you’re going to drop that data.

I’ll look at both email and S3 quickly just to show you the options. When you select your S3, if you’ve set up an S3 account in here, you’ll set up your account name your role, and your security options. And then when you add a location, should add the location name and the prefix will be again that folder within the bucket can add your location. This is looking good. So I’ve got my account and my location.

Now I’m going to go to Report Options. In this tab you can select additional details. What the format of the report is. Whether you’re returning all rows or you only want the first million rows, for instance, and other additional options. In the next tab, you’ll decide whether you want to send it right now as a one time report, or set it up as a schedule. I’m going to set it up as a schedule and since this was yesterday’s data, I want to get it daily, every day, starting today and ending one year from now. And finally, the last step, because I’m using a cloud destination, is that I’d like to receive an email when the report delivers. So I’m going to add my email address.

And I could set it to the marketing channel.

Orders that.

And once I’m happy with this I can click save request. And that will set up and schedule that report to run daily. So I’m going back to report destinations. I just want to also touch on email to add an account such as your email. Or you can select a new email. I’m just going to set up a new one here. When you add a new account, you select the account type. Here I’m going to select email marketing channels and give it a description email for marketing channels.

And this is where I would add my list of recipients. This then adds the account.

And selects it as the option. Then I still need to add a location identifier email and the location.

This would be my marketing channel email location and the description. Yes, and this set the subject for the email. So I want to make this really specific.

Once I’ve done that, I can add my location for email and notice that the notification email is now grayed out because this is not a cloud destination, and so I do not need to receive a separate email. Once I’m happy with my email setup and I set up my report and everything I can again save the request. Then when I come back into data warehouse later, I’ll be able to see the status of this ongoing scheduled report. This is a brief overview of the new Data Warehouse UI for Adobe Analytics.

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