Learn how to create a Data Warehouse request in Adobe Analytics and set it up for SFTP delivery. For more information, visit the documentation.
Hi, this is Michelle on the product enablement team. Welcome to the step by step tutorial on how to create a data warehouse request in Adobe Analytics and set it up for us FTP delivery. These are the prerequisites for using SftP as the delivery method for data warehouse reports. I’ll give you a moment to review these. They are additionally referenced in our documentation. Let’s dive right into the process and make sure you can automate and streamline your data exports efficiently. First, log into your Adobe Analytics account. Once you’re in, navigate to the tools tab and select Data Warehouse from the components list to start creating a new request. After clicking on add, you’ll see the General Settings page. Confirm the report suite you want to use and selected here. Enter a meaningful name for your request that will help you identify it later. Then set the date range of your report. After selecting your date range, set the granularity of your report. You can choose from predetermined timeframes like daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how frequently you need the data. Next, move to the Build Your Report tab. This is where you select the metrics, dimensions, and segments you need. Drag and drop the required items from the left hand pane to the right hand pane.
Now let’s configure the destination of your report. In the Report Destination tab. Select Add Account to add a new delivery destination for Data Warehouse. Select SftP as the account type. You’ll need to input your SftP server details, including the server URL port directory and your credentials to ensure these details are correct. To avoid delivery issues when use temporary file extension during upload is enabled. The part file extension is used during the upload process. Keep this option enabled unless your FTP server restricts file names from being changed after the upload completes. Download the appropriate public key and place it into the root directory folder named dot h. Create that directory if it doesn’t already exist. Your files won’t be delivered properly. Otherwise, select Add Account to use for the current request and to have this account available for future requests. Hit Add location. Next, provide a name description and the directory path for the uploaded files. Select Add Location to use for the current as well as future requests. Data warehouse destination accounts can be modified or set up in advance in the locations interface by selecting locations from the components menu. Location accounts show existing account details and allows you to add new accounts. Locations show existing location details, as well as the ability to add new locations. In the Report Options section, enter the file name. Enable the Append Report data range to the file name and choose the format for your data. Select the format that integrates best with your downstream systems. In the Scheduling Options tab, you can set when and how often Adobe Analytics should generate and send your reports. Schedule your report according to your business needs. Selecting the appropriate start date and frequency. Finally, add the email addresses for anyone who should be notified when the report is sent. Review all your settings and ensure everything is set up as you want. Once you’re ready, hit save Request to send your request to Adobe servers. That’s it. You’ve now set up a data warehouse request with SftP delivery and Adobe Analytics. Remember, automating your data export process like this saves you time and helps you maintain regular data flow for analysis.