This video shows you how you can use Report Builder to add segments to all of your requests at once, saving you time and hassle.
Are you an avid user of Adobe Report Builder? Do you find yourself updating workbooks or segments on a pretty regular basis? Well the feature I’m gonna cover during this video might be of interest to you.
Hi I’m Jeremy King, a product manager for Adobe Analytics. Here I have a retail KPI Dashboard that I pre-built. It comprises of a number of report builder requests.
As you can see only one of them has a segment applied right now and that’s a traffic report.
So what I’m going to do is show you this new feature that we can more quickly, more easily, edit, manage, and configure segments across the different requests inside of the workbook. So I’m gonna go ahead and right click after I’ve selected all of my requests inside of the workbook and I’m gonna edit requests by segment.
What you’ll notice is a new dialogue box and this new dialogue box has a set of new options. You can add segments. You can replace specific segments. You can replace all of the segments and reset them with the new set or you can remove specific segments. So if I wanna go ahead and add a segment, I go ahead and select that option and now I can go ahead and pick what specific segment or segments I’d like to add to the requests that I have in the workbook. I’m gonna go ahead and apply California Visitors segment to my workbook.
And all I have to do once I’ve selected that segment or set of segments is click OK and all of the requests in the workbook will update. You can go and check the manage section to see all segments that have applied now across the different requests I have in the workbook.
So now that I’ve applied that, let’s go ahead and refresh the workbook.
Now let’s go back to the dashboard page.
So you can see the workbook is updated and reflected the changes that I applied. It went from being a global retail KPI Dashboard to one just focused on visitors from California.
I hope you found this short video informative and I hope you enjoy using the new feature for managing segments across multiple requests.
For more information on this feature, visit the documentation.