Learn the basics of using Report Builder, including installation, sign-in and data requests.
In this video, I’ll be demonstrating how to install Adobe Report Builder. Adobe Report Builder is an add-on for Microsoft Excel. It lets you build customized requests from Adobe Analytics Data, which you can insert into your Excel worksheets. This lets you extend the capabilities of using powerful Excel formulas and visualizations outside of the Analytics user interface. You can also combine this data with other data sources like offline sales or call center data, these are just some examples. First, make sure you’re logged into Analytics. You’ll also need to be included in a Report Builder user group. So if you’re not, reach out to your administrator to get added to that group. In the top menu bar, select tools, then Report Builder.
The add-in is only available for Windows machines, Windows XP or higher to be specific. I know there’s quite a few Mac users out there and I understand that you can still use this add-on if you run a VMware version of Excel. In the left corner, you have the option of choosing 32 bit or 64 bit. Make sure you check the version of Excel you’re using before you download it here in the user interface. All right, once you select the correct version, click on the download now button. Now after you do that, usually in the lower left hand corner, you’ll see the status of your download. Wait until the download is finished and then you can double click it to start installing it on your machine. Now I can open Excel and sign in to Report Builder click on add-ins at the top and then click on sign in.
Use your experience cloud enterprise ID to log in. Once you’re authenticated, you’ll notice the sign in command in the toolbar reflects your experience cloud organization name. Now, I’ll create a data request from Analytics, I’ll select create up here at the top. This opens a wizard that walks you through the process of retrieving the data you want to pull into Excel. In the request wizard step one window, select reports suite.
Over to the right, you can choose a segment. I’ll choose USA visitor. On the left, there’s a hierarchy for the different reports and analytics. These are the dimensions that you’ll select for the report. I’m going to choose product under products, product reports. Now, let’s look at some date preset options. From the list box, I’ll choose last month. There’s some choices for apply granularity, I’ll choose week as it makes sense for the time slice I’m using. At the bottom, I’ll click on next. This is going to take me to the second step of the wizard and this is where I’ll choose the metrics I want to include. Now the metrics will be applicable to the dimension I selected in the previous step. I can scroll the list or I can type in the metrics I want to use which is what I’m going to do. First, I’m going to type in orders. Once I see it in the list, I’m going to double click it. When I do that, I’ll notice that it appears the metrics list over to the right. Now I’m going to do the same for revenue. Again, you’re going to want to make sure it’s displayed under metrics on the right side after you double click it. Now by default, the request will back 10 dimensions. I’m going to click on filter and increase this to 50 and then select okay.
Now I have a good visual on the data that will be returned to Excel. I’ll click on finish, then I’ll specify which cell I want to begin pasting the data. And A1 is fine. Once the request comes back, we can see the data in Excel. Now I can do things like select some of the data and create a line chart, for example. Once the data is in the report, you can right click anywhere in the data and display some commands specific to Report Builder, they are located toward the bottom. You can add a request, edit the current request, delete it, refresh the data, add dependent request data or create an in context segment.
Okay. I’ve walked you through installing and signing into Report Builder as well as creating a basic data request. You should now feel comfortable getting started with Report Builder. -
For more information on this feature, visit the documentation.