Basic configuration of the Analytics extension in Experience Platform tags

Last update: 2024-01-18
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This video shows a quick configuration the Analytics extension in Experience Platform tags for a basic site. For detailed documentation, see Adobe Analytics extension overview.


Hey everybody, it’s Doug. In this video, I want to show you how to do a basic configuration of the Adobe Analytics extension in Experience Platform tags. And so here we are in Experience Platform data collection, and we’ve got our tags on the left, we’ve gone into tags. In fact, if I kind of bring this out, you can see that I’ve selected tags. Now you can get here by going to data collection, so you have this up here, or you can also go just to Adobe Experience Platform, and then the data collection items will be at the bottom of the left hand rail. So either way, it’s the same, getting into data collection and then tags, which is of course our tag management solution. Okay, once I’m in there, I don’t really need to see that. So let’s close that back up. And I’ve created a new property and called this Luma App Measurement, because what we’re going to do is we’re going to do an implementation for our site here called Luma. This is a demo site here that we have, and we’re going to do a site here, an implementation for it, and we’re going to use tags to do that. Now, the reason why I’ve selected App Measurement or named it with App Measurement here is because this is specifically going to be an implementation using what we call appmeasurement.js, and we’ll use the analytics extension in here, as opposed to doing the new web SDK implementation. So once this property is created, I’m just going to go into the extensions area here, and the core extension is installed by default. But I’ve also added the Experience Cloud ID Service extension, which I highly recommend that you do so that we can have, you know, the IDs, the Experience Cloud IDs, and you can mostly just grab it out of the catalog and say install, and then just accept the defaults and save it. Now, since we’re talking about a basic configuration of the analytics extension, I’m going to go into the catalog, and I’m going to look for the analytics extension, and I can search for it, of course, but you know, it’s right here. So I’m just going to grab it from scrolling down a little bit, and I’m going to do that. And once you select it, there it is selected, and you can go over here on the right and click install. I’m going to do that. And that, of course, brings it up, and I do need to add some things in here for this to work properly. Now you can see there are several sections, and I’m going to go through a few of them. You can see first library management, general, global variables, et cetera here, and there are several sections. I’m not going to go in depth in this video, in all of these sections, because I’m going to do that in other specific videos for each section. So I’m just going to run through in this video a quick, basic configuration, and then we’ll get deeper in other videos. So in library management, let’s just do what we have to do, right? First of all, and that is we need to select report suites so we know where the data is going to end up. Now, since I’m here in this tech marketing demos organization where my analytics application also resides, when I click on this down arrow, it will actually populate this with the report suites that have already been created in that org for analytics. So if you don’t have any, you should go create a report suite. If you don’t know how to create a report suite, there’s also a video for that in experience league. But let’s just say that you have created a report suite for the development of this site. So I’m going to go down and the one I’m going to choose is right down here. TMD, that’s for tech marketing demos up there, my org, and I’m going to choose this web retail dev one, click on that and bring that right in there. Now, if you’re brand new doing this, you may want to go ahead and just copy this and paste it into staging and production as well. And I actually really like that. Now you may have noticed that I do have, if I scroll down here, I do have the web retail stage and prod there. I do have those, but when you are developing, it is likely that you’re going to change some things. You’re going to set up some things in the report suite and you’re going to configure those. So I really like the plan of actually just creating your dev report suite and then doing your development. And then when you create a staging report suite and a production report suite, just making a copy of the dev report suite, because then you don’t have to reconfigure the staging and production report suites. So again, even though you saw them there, what I would suggest is just copying that one because you’d have to put something in these and pasting that over here in these other ones as well. But don’t forget that when you come back, when you’re done doing your development, you need to come back and change these to the right ones, which in this case would be stage and over here it would be the prod one or whatever you decide your production report suite is. Okay. Hope that’s clear. We’re going to also allow activity map to be used. We’re going to make the tracker, the S object globally accessible so we can use it throughout this property. I’m going to jump down to general. And in this case, the one I’m going to set up is this tracking server. So what you need to set up in a tracking server is Now what is the something? So the something would be basically your company name or a shortened version of your company name. It just basically has to be unique on our servers. So definitely make it something that has to do with your business. Now I’m going to put in TMD because again, that’s my tech marketing demos up here. Now, if you have an SSL version, you can also then copy and paste that in here and then do, et cetera, and put that over there as well. Okay. I’m not going to, again, I’m not going to worry about every single checkbox and talking about that in this video because I’m doing super basic here. We’re not going to actually do global variables here because I’m going to do them in a global rule. So I’m going to leave that one alone and go down and just look at link tracking. You can see that again, we’re enabling ClickMap and out of the box we have enabled tracking kind of this automatic or easy tracking of download links. So any download links with these extensions will automatically get tracked when you click on them and open this kind of, you know, non-browser type file or maybe not even open it, maybe just download it. Right. But if you have a link that points at one of these extensions, then it will track that. And then also tracking outbound links or in other words, exit links. And again, we’ll talk about cookies later, configuring tracker using custom code for things like plugins and then forwarding to audience manager as well. But what we just kind of did there is a basic configuration of the analytics extension. At that point, if you have a library selected, and I’ve done that already up here, created this DevOne library, and you’ll want to do that in the publishing flow area, then you can just go ahead and save it to library and you can build that.

And that’s done. And if you mouse over, you can see that it was successful. And then you will, you know, have these things in that library. Now, nothing is really going to go into analytics yet because we need rules and things like that. But if you were to go over to your site, you would be able to see, you know, the object that it had been created, et cetera. And we’re not going to do that in this video, but we will in another video. So hope that was helpful to do this basic configuration of the analytics extension in tags. Good luck.

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