Learn about the general configuration options for the Analytics extension in tags including setting the tracking server. For detailed documentation, see Adobe Analytics extension overview.
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Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video, I want to walk you through setting up or configuring the general settings when you are setting up or configuring the Adobe Analytics extension in Experience Platform Tags. So we’re here in our property, we’ve added the analytics extension, we’ve gone into it now, and we’re going to configure the general settings. So I will expand that and let’s take a look at some of these settings. So character set, pretty standard, the default is going to be ASCII, and you’ve got other ones here that you can choose if you need different kinds of characters used, if you have kind of non-English characters that you need to use, et cetera. So choose the character set here and it’ll control how the image request or the hit is encoded. Next, we have the currency code. Now, the currency code that belongs to the report suite is controlled and set when you create the report suite and you choose the currency code. And that’s what we call the base currency code and what it’s stored as in the report suite. But this currency code is basically reporting, I would say, on the format of the numbers coming in as currencies. So if I bring in, you know, 10.00, is that $10 or is it 10 euros or what is it? And so that’s this one. So if you have your site set up to bring in a specific currency, then you can choose that here, whatever one it is. If you have a site that accepts multiple currencies and they can choose it or something like that, then you may want to choose custom here and then have that come in with a data element and have that be more dynamic. I’ll come back to tracking server in just a second and just, we’ll jump down here to these check boxes where on the first one, you can enable EU compliance for Adobe analytics. So if you check that box, then it will look for this tracking cookie named whatever you have in here. If this box is checked, then it will, again, look for that cookie and it will ensure that it is set as true. If it’s not set as true, if it’s not set, if it’s set to false, then it will not track that data. So this will allow you to use opt-in technology, set this cookie name to true, and then you’ll be able to track that data. If you’re not using that, then you can leave this unchecked. And then you can see this last one is whether to use client hints as you’re determining device type, et cetera. You can mouse over this little I here for information, and it tells you a little bit more about that. Okay, let’s go back to tracking server for a second. The tracking server is basically the name of the endpoint for data collection. Now, if you’re migrating from another kind of implementation, say from page code or something like that, you need to make sure that you use the same tracking server that you were using before. This will make sure that previous visitors get counted as the same people as they come in, right? They’ll be counted as returning visitors instead of being seen as brand new visitors. Now, if this is a new implementation, brand new implementation for this site, then you can choose the tracking server here. Now you’re gonna want this to be the same right here, which is, you know, .sc.omtrdc.net. You don’t wanna use TMD, that’s mine. I have that one there because my company is called Tech Marketing Demos, so I chose that. So this first part should be unique to you, and the rest is the same, .sc.omtrdc.net. And if you have SSL pages, then you can use the same one, except for put .SSL right after your name or your shortened abbreviation there, et cetera. Of course, if you prefer to use a CNAME to use first party cookies, that’s great. And then you can point the CNAME at this tracking server as well. Anyway, I hope that helps you to set up some of these settings in the general section. Good luck.