As you implement Adobe Analytics on your site, you need to validate the code along the way. Learn how to validate your global page load rule with the Experience Platform debugger.
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Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video, I want to talk to you about validating your global page load rule in Launch. So, here we are in Launch, we have a global page load rule here, a default page load rule. Click into that.
And, we can see that we’re actually triggering this at the bottom of the page, on DOM ready. It’s running on every page, there’s no conditions. We are setting some variables and then we are sending the beacon. Now, let’s take a look at the variables we’re setting, real quick. So, you’ll see that we’re setting page name into eVar1, site section into eVar2. We’re setting a page load event, which is event1, again, every page.
And then, in addition to eVar1 and eVar2 being page name and site section, we’re actually setting the ones that are very typical for that, which is page name in the page name, and site section in the channel variable. So, these are some normal things there, but again, we wanted to put them in those eVars as well. And that’s really all we’ve done. Page name and channel, couple of eVars, and that event. So, if we go back to our page, and we’ve embedded the launch script onto that page for the development environment, then when we run this page we’re going to get a hit. Now, how can we tell? There’s a number of ways. You can use the java script console to see the hit and the way that is preferred is to use this Experience Cloud Debugger. So, you can get that from the Chrome Store, and we have another video to show you about that, so hopefully you’ve seen that and installed the Chrome debugger for the Experience Cloud. And I will click on that and open that, and that will immediately run on that page. And, you actually see a screenshot of it right there. And, if I click into analytics, we can see we have one hit. And, it’s for this report’s read, tmd-geo-clothiers-dev. And that is the report’s read that we’ve set up in the analytics extension configuration. We simply expand that, and let’s make it a little easier to see. In fact, I’m going to push it over to the right side here. Let’s look at this one on the left.
And, you’ll see that that hit came through, and we have the homepage as the page name and eVar1, right? Okay, yeah, good. We have event1, but we don’t have eVar2. And, we don’t have the channel. Well, that’s because we’re actually not setting it. If we look at the source of this page that I ran there, we’re setting the page name. We’re not setting the site section, so there’s nothing being populated into that data element in Launch. And therefore, it’s not coming through. So, if we simply go to another page, and I click on the women’s section, you’ll see we get another hit and that comes through, and there’s the women’s page. And we can see that that’s the page name. So, that’ll be in eVar1. We can still see eVar 1 right there. And then, now we do get the channel which is women’s section. And, we get eVar2 women’s section again. So, if we look at the source of that page, we can indeed see the page name, women’s page coming through on page name in eVar1. We can see site section, women’s section, coming through on eVar2. And, the channel right there. And, once again, should be getting that event. Yep, event1 right down there on events. And, we can actually click through any of those pages. Let’s go to activewear, we can even click on this.
And, we’ll get that hit. There’s activewear. And we click on one of the products. And we get that hit, and there’s the product page. And so, we can see that our default page rule is indeed working and populating those variables that we set up. Now, in other videos, we’re going to show how to set up some other rules so that we can do things like trigger and add to cart, or trigger a checkout, or those kinds of things, or a search. But again, our default page rule seems to be working great. And that is how you can validate that, is to use the Experience Cloud Debugger. And, just click through and look at those hits. Good luck.