When setting up Adobe Analytics, or when referencing it in other Experience Cloud solutions, it is often helpful or even necessary to know the Analytics “tracking server” that you are using, or also the “report suite” that you are sending data into. This video shows you how to locate both values, whether or not you have already implemented Adobe Analytics.
This article and video apply to an “AppMeasurement” implementation of Adobe Analytics, and not an implementation using the Web SDK.
After implementing Analytics on a site, you can find the tracking server and the report suite ID right in the tracking beacon. The tracking server is the hostname in the beacon, so that’s easy to find. The report suite IDs are a comma-separated list right after “/b/ss/” in the path name of the beacon.
To see the beacon, as well as all other information coming to Analytics and other Experience Cloud solutions, install the “Experience Cloud Debugger” Chrome Extension.
Tracking server - If you haven’t started with your Adobe Analytics implementation yet, then you will choose a subdomain for the “.sc.omtrdc.net” tracking server. For example, let’s say that I have an online hat store called “Jim’s Brims.” I can simply set my tracking server to:
Report suite - To find a list of your report suites that have been created, log into Analytics and go to Admin > Report Suites in the top menu to see a list of report suites, including their ID and title.
See the video below for more information.
In this video I want to show you how to identify or locate two important pieces of information regarding your analytics implementation. And those two are the tracking server and the report suite also known as a report suite ID. And we wanna talk about both implemented and not implemented. So if you have already implemented analytics, then it’s actually pretty simple. You just go to one of your pages on your site that it’s implemented and run the site and you can run the JavaScript console like this or you can run it through a debugger preferably the Experience Cloud Debugger which you can get straight from Chrome. But in this case we’re looking at the JavaScript debugger and you locate your analytics hit here and you can simply look at the domain that that hit is pointing at, right here. So you see tmd.sc.omtrdc.net. This is the tracking server, okay. So if you just find your analytics hit and you look at the domain, that is the tracking server that you are currently using. Now, a couple of spots right after that after this b slash ss another slash in this next location right here, this will be a report suite ID. In fact it’ll be a comma separated list of your report suite IDs in case you are sending this data into more than one report suite. So you can have more than one here and again those will have commas to separate that. But as you can see, if you’re implemented it’s very easy to go to the JavaScript debugger or to use the Experience Cloud Debugger and to take a look at your tracking server or your report suite ID and those on the network tab and just run it and then find that analytics hit okay. Now if you are not yet implemented, then what do you do? Well let’s go to the source here of this page, because I wanna jump into my app measurement file and show you that this one again is using as a tracking server, tmd.sc.omtrdc.net. So if you are not implemented at all, basically you’re going to choose your tracking server. Atleast you’re gonna choose the subdomain here, this part where I have TMD for tech marketing demos, and then you will tack it onto the rest of this which is .sc.omtrdc.net. So let’s say that you are Jim’s Brims, a hat company then you might just put Jim’s Brims.sc.omtrdc.net. Or whatever your site is, whatever your company is et cetera, you can just put that right here at the beginning and then use .sc.omtrdc.net, okay. So that can be your tracking server and you will place that then either right here in this app measurement file or into Adobe launch et cetera. Okay, well what about the report suites? I’ve opened up here the analytics UI and I’ve gone into admin report suites, and here you will find a list of the report suites that have been created. Now if you can’t get into admin report suites, then you’ll need to find somebody at your company who has the rights to look at that. Or if you have no report suites here, again make sure that you have the rights to see them, and if you do and they’re just no report suites created yet then you can go to the create new report suite menu right here. And you can create a report suite. But again if you are not yet implemented then you’re gonna start choosing things and you can choose your tracking server. And then you can choose report suite IDs and friendly names here as you are creating those report suites. Just a quick note, if somebody asks you for your report suite but usually are asking you for the report suite ID and that is what’ll go into launch and all those different places like that. The only place where they might be asking you for the actual friendly name or the site title is if they are in analytics and they’re looking to choose the report suite to run the reports. So anyway, I hope that’s really helpful and good luck.