Use Advertising Cloud dimensions to create segments for reports and analysis.
Hey everybody, this is Sean. Today’s video, I’ll be taking you through creating Adobe Analytics Segments, for Activation and Reporting.
So, some learning objectives today, we will be creating segments within Adobe Analytics, we’ll be discussing some strategies for grouping these themes, and then we will learn how to filter these data for by segments.
Some benefits for this we can use, these segments for first party of remarketing, we can simplify your recurring reports. You can also use these segments to filter your Advertising Cloud Data, for easier grass.
So, let’s jump into Adobe Analytics and see how it looks.
All right, so right now I am in analysis workspace, I have my Placement Data, and my spend data. So, in this fake data account, obviously it doesn’t make so much sense, turns what we’re looking at, but a lot of times what you might find, with your Advertising Cloud Data is that, these placement names, have a lot of themes in common, right? So you might have places that say, look alike sign them, or places that say, site retargeting, or places that say, CRM data. Instead of displaying it with all these rows, Because the chances are, there’s a lot of placements you’re running, maybe what we want to do is, we want to bucket the themes together, so when we create our reports, and our dashboards, and our analysis, we have themed segments we can utilize. So, it’s really simple to do, if I want to say create a segment, for all places that contain placement one, in this example, I can right click it, create segment.
It creates the logic for me, for in this case, it says equals this placement, but what I want to do is I want to say contains, I want to get rid of the equals, I want to say contains, I want to get rid of all this stuff that I don’t need. So, I just want all placements that contain placement one, I can call this Placement Data for Placement one, and now I have a segment here. If I wanted to, maybe it’s not the best example, but if I wanted to, I can create, hit this button, say, make this as Experience Cloud audience, this will send it to the Experience Cloud, either Audience Manager, or Target, or Ad Cloud, so you can use this data, or people will have this data in their profiles and retarget them.
So I can save this, and if I want to just say, all right, well, let me do placement two now, so I have to go through that process again. What I can do, is I can click on this segment I created, so it’s always going to be the first one in this blue area. I can edit it, and then I can say… Well, let me do everything that has placement two. So, let’s get rid of the one, add a two, and now I can save as, so now I have two segments. So what I can do is, instead of having all this data here, I can just drop the segments here, and now I have my spend by these themes.
So this way, it’s a little cleaner, I can drop my placements under here, I can filter it a little better, but it makes visuals a lot easier. So if I want to visualize a Donut between these, and say, let me do the spends, now, instead of having all these placement names, we could start to bucket themes together, and we can see how we’re actually performing. Okay, now back in PowerPoint, what we’ve learned today, we learned how to create some segments, really easy to do, right click it, create segment, and change your boolean logic. We discovered how we can use them for remarketing. So, maybe not the best examples in terms of the data, but creating segments is as simple as that. You can create the segments based on site activity, on placement activity, you can create Experience Cloud audience from it, and you can use it, within Audience Manager with an Ad Cloud. And then we learn strategies on enhancing the reports, which is basically, just cleaning up all the data you have. You have a lot of placement data you might have a lot of campaign data, a lot of ad data. Instead of having 400 rows for it, maybe we have 10 rows that reports on it. So this way your graphs, and your trend lines a little bit more readable, and you can get some insights from it much quicker. So I hope you enjoyed the video today, and I hope to see you soon. -