Implement tracking templates from Advertising Analytics into search engines

Last update: 2023-01-27
  • Created for:
  • Intermediate

Learn the steps to implement your tracking templates from Advertising Analytics into supported search engines. This is a critical step required to collect and pass your data to Adobe Analytics.


Hello, my name is Greg Dean. I’ll be showing you a quick tutorial on how to apply the Advertising Analytics tracking parameter in your search engine accounts. First of all, from within Analytics we will go to the Advertising Analytics settings. Assuming, you’ve already set up your account, I will go into an account. In this case Google, and on the right hand side of the screen under the Tracking box. You can see that there it provides an example Tracking template. This tracking template will be used inside of your Google account, at the Tracking template level in order to provide tracking for Analytics. How we go about implementing this tracking code is first, we will log into our Google account. In the Settings, we will click on Account Settings and then our Tracking options. In this case, in my example I don’t have a Tracking template set. So, if I do not have one, then I would use an {lpurl} to signify my landing page URL, that is set up on the ad or the keyword. Then to add the tracking parameter from Advertising Analytics, I would add a question mark and Paste in that tracking code, that I copied from the Advertising Analytics UI. That will be our most basic example of how to set up the template Tracking. This can become more complex, because there are various versions that Google offers. There’s lpurl, there’s unescapedlpurl and many others. So, this tracking code will either need to be encoded or not encoded. Depending on which type of Tracking template your personal account is using. One example that we can see, is in the help documentation, which can be reached by clicking on this Tracking Instructions link. One example that we provide here is if, using a DoubleClick 3rd-party redirect. Many of the customers who have been using Advertising Analytics so far have been using this DoubleClick redirect that doesn’t use an lpurl. It uses an unescapedlpurl. In that case, we would append the Tracking parameter just as we copied it from the Advertising Analytics UI.

We have seen however, customers that are using third party redirects. In this example, it’s Double Click but it’s using an lpurl instead of unescapedlpurl. And in that case, if they’re using lpurl, you would still add the question mark to signify that its parameters added after the URL. But instead of just copying and pasting the parameter from the analytics UI. I would URL encode the equal sign and then paste it into the Tracking template. Another option that you have available for your Google accounts is, you can leave your Tracking template as it currently exists and simply add this parameter in your Final URL suffix. Then Google will manage dynamically, inserting this into your landing page URL, in whatever format you may be using it. One way to ensure that you’ve set up Tracking correctly, is to click on your test URLs and when you are landed on your website, to make sure that this parameter is persisted and is found in the landing page URL. Next we’ll move on to Bing. Bing is very similar to Google and uses a Tracking template, except for one minor difference, where there is no Final URL suffix option. so, we will have to defer to just using the Tracking template method. So, when in the Bing UI, I will select an account and then once in that account, I will select the Shared Library. Then I want to View URL options. Here you will have a text box for a Tracking template, which operates the same as Google. In this example, I do not have one set up yet. So I will simply just put lpurl?, for setting up Bing tracking or I’ll enter my Bing Ads account here and I will… If you notice, I have a different Tracking code format for the Bing account. I will copy this to my clipboard, within the Bing UI under my URL options, similar to how I did it for Google. I will just simply paste that tracking code after the question mark, after the lpurl. So, for our last account Yahoo Gemini. Yahoo Gemini does not utilize Tracking templates. So, for Yahoo Gemini, you’re simply going to want to add this URL parameter to your landing page URLs directly, whether it be in your ads or your keywords. You would add this similar to how you would add a campaign tracking code or any other tracking code that you utilize in Analytics today. You will just simply Copy this value and inside of the Yahoo Gemini UI, you will directly place this tracking parameter on all of the landing page URLs, that you have in your account. Once these parameters are in place and are being tracked correctly. You will then be able to correlate your onsite website behavior, to the impressions clicks and costs average position and quality score metrics, that are being brought in from the search engine themselves. Without this parameter, there will be no correlation between the onsite visits and that impressions clicks costs average position and quality score data that is being brought in. Additional examples can be found inside of the Tracking documentation. This concludes our section of adding the Advertising Analytics Tracking to your search engine account and thank you for your time.

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