Improvements have been made to Experience Cloud Audience Publishing. You can now publish audiences (segments) and make them available six times faster, reducing the current latency time from 48 hours to approximately 8 hours, and possibly faster, depending on traffic and segment size.
Hi everyone, this is Travis Sabin from the Adobe Analytics Product Management team and today I’m here to take you through some updates we’ve made to the Experience Cloud Audience Publishing process. So if I come and open up the Segment Builder, we have introduced a couple of new changes to the publishing workflow down here within the Segment Builder. The first one is something that’s behind the scenes and something you will not see or notice in terms of the UI but we have taken the processing timeline and latency which previously was 48 hours and we have now reduced it to eight hours. And so that’s a back-end change that we’ve implemented. It’s nothing that you will notice as there will be no hiccups to your data or anything like that but it’s just a simple game that you will get in the publishing process. So that’s the first thing and most important thing to know about this. So the second thing to know is that we have increased the segment publishing limit from 20 to 75 published segments per report suite. And within the UI, we’ve introduced a counter to help you track and know how you’re doing against that 75 segment limit. So in my report suite for example, I have 69 out of 75 published available segments. And if I click on this, this will give me a breakdown of all of those 69 segments and their corresponding owner. So if I need to come in and do any cleanup or maintenance, I can go and talk to the owner and say, hey, can you clean these up or get rid of these or unpublish these segments so we can have a few more slots available. So that’s the first thing. The next thing we’ve added is a link to create an audience directly in the Audience Library. Now the Audience Library is another service within the Experience Cloud, which allows you to create audiences which are another version of segments essentially directly in the Audience Library. The benefits of doing that are that first, those audiences are not subject to the same processing delays as we have here when publishing from Analytics to the Experience Cloud, they’re available almost instantly. And then secondly, within the Audience Library, anything you create there is not subject to your 75 segment limit and will not count against it. So if you’re approaching 75 segments within a report suite and you can have some of the same building blocks in Audience Library, it might be a good place to start adding audiences there to avoid getting near your 75 published segment limit.
So if I come and build a quick segment, I add a component, I need to give this a title, also demo test, provide a value, and then I click on the publishing check box. I need to select the look back window to pull the membership from. Right now the default is 30 days, but I can shorten that to 15 or increase it to 120 if I like, I’ll keep it at 30, and then all I need to do is click save and it will begin the publishing process. And after it’s successfully saved, I get this little toast and the publishing process has begun.
Now if I need to come in and unpublish the segment, I can open it back up here in the Segment Builder and I simply need to come in and uncheck this checkbox and then I would unpublish it. I can see that my account has increased now from 69 to 70 and if I want to unpublish this again, I’m just going to uncheck it and save it. This will keep it as a segment within Analytics, but it will unpublish it from the Experience Cloud and now I see that this was successfully saved, which means it has been unpublished. If I open it back up just to double check and close the loop, I can see that the box is unchecked, my counter has reduced now back to 69. You have another option to unpublish the segment and that’s directly within the Segment Manager. Within the Segment Manager we’ve added a new column, the published column, which will help you delineate which segments have not been published as identified with the ,No, or those which would have been published as identified with the ,Yes. If you click on the little ,yes, it’ll give you the same popup from the Builder with a breakdown of all your segments that have been published and the owner in case you need to reach out to the owner for any sort of segment management. So to say, to unpublish, I simply check this box. I also have the option to do bulk on publishing if I need to just get rid of a whole bunch of segments. I can unpublish them, I can also delete them if I want, but for this case, I’m just going to unpublish and then after they’ve successfully unpublished I got this little toast notifying me that it’s taken place. So that is the new workflow and process for Experience Cloud Audience Publishing. Thank you for your time. -
Additionally, the number of segments that can be published at one time has been increased from 20 to 75 per report suite.
For more information, see Publish segments to the Experience Cloud in Analytics help.
Also, read about Audiences in Experience Cloud help for information about the Audience Library.