Customize Analysis Workspace user preferences

Last update: 2022-11-02
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Learn how to change and customize user preferences in Analysis Workspace. This includes default general settings, display and data preferences, and toggling the user interface theme.


Hello, this is Travis Saban from Adobe Analytics Product Management and in this video I’m going to be walking through our user preferences capabilities. So here within Adobe Analytics, once you’re in the workspace landing page, there are a couple of options you have to open up your user preferences. The first and most obvious is clicking on this edit preferences button. If you click on that it will bring up the user preferences modal. There are also accessible from the components drop-down so if you click on preferences it’ll open up a full screen preferences menu or if you’re in workspace and you happen to be let’s say if I’m in a project on the project menu there’s now a user preferences option as well. This will give you the user preferences menu. Those are a couple of ways that you can open up the user preferences menu. Once you’re in here there are five tabs across the top for the various categories of content and preferences that you can set within the user preferences. The first one is general. These are just obviously some general preferences that apply to analytics. You can define what you want your landing page to be and you can go to the current landing page, the project list. You can choose a blank project every time you log in or if there’s a specific project that you know you want to come to every time you can change to that. If you want to show or hide the tips that we offer you can do that. And then we’ve created this functionality where you can choose how many components are shown in your list in the left rail. So the default is five but if I wanted to make this 10 dimensions and 8 metrics and 7 segments and 1 date range I could do that. Once I save it and open up my project now my left rail is a little different. I’ve got 10 dimensions. I’ve got my 8 metrics, my 7 segments and I’ve got 1 date range. And this will be the same as well if you’re in a builder. If you’re in the COC metric builder, segment builder or the like. So if you’re one who always finds the five to be too limiting or anything like that then now you have this great option to go ahead and update how many you have showing here based on your own personal preference. Next is the project preferences. So these are some standard project preferences that you can set. So you can determine how tight or spacious you want your workspace presentation to be compact, comfortable or expanded. You can choose your default color palette and then you can choose which report suite you want to be defaulting to, what you want your calendar to show up as, your original panel type when you open up a project, and then just some standard and table number of formats here. So you’ll notice here on the left side I’ve got this display and this data kind of following me as I’m navigating through. These serve as kind of navigational things. You can click on them to move to the various sections. Here are the project lists. This isn’t very many but it serves as a great shortcut to move around. As we get to some of these other tabs you’ll notice that and that’s really really helpful. So then I’ll go to the company tab. This is only visible for admins. If you don’t want your users looking at some of the Adobe provided pre-built content you can hide the reports tab from them. If you turn this on we’ll have other company settings adding in the future. So then let’s move to freeform table. Again I’ve got these three sections table, column, and row and I can use these to move around within this. Here in the table settings we brought a lot of the out of the box settings that exist for freeform tables here into the user preferences. So if you want to set up how you want your tables to look like and feel every single time so they look the same then you have that option here. So you can choose whether you start with a blank freeform or a table builder. You can choose your default metric or default dimension. And then some of the settings that exist within kind of our gear icons, aligning dates, wrapping text, showing sparklines, so on and so forth. Nice thing here is we get a nice preview of what’s happening within your table and how it looks like. So if you turn some of these off you can see what they might look like. So if you don’t want to see some totals, you don’t want to see certain things like that, then you can customize those and get a little preview of what this will look like. Additionally here if you choose to have conditional formatting turned on we have some new color palette options. So we have the previous version of the green, yellow, and the red, but we have some more accessibility friendly color options here as well that can be chosen. And so you can see kind of a preview of how those look like here in the preview section. And then for the rows you can choose again some more options here. So lots of control over how you want your freeform table to show out of the gates without having to customize it every single time you build a project. And then we’ll go to visualizations now. So we have settings for almost all the visualizations within Analysis Workspace as of today. And so you can come in and customize the settings for each of those visualizations based on how you like them to be configured. So we have some general settings that apply kind of throughout Workspace and so you can go and set some of those. And then for line charts we have that, we have all the here icons that you have accessible here. And then moving down we have kind of the same things for all the different visualizations. So whatever functionality exists within some of the settings and the gear icons a lot of those can be found here. One other thing to call it here on the cohort we have the new color palette options here as well. We still have the standard one that we’ve been using previously but we have the new options that are again a little bit more accessible friendly. Anything that you have in an existing project for any of these settings will not be overridden by any of these changes that you make here. They’ll be moving forward for those projects so we won’t be changing any of your current projects but new projects, new tables, new things like that that get added will inherit these new settings that you’re applying here. And so again it can go on down and go through our combo chart, our keymetric summary visit we just added, fallout, flow, stack charts, summary change, summary number map and so on. Again this is where this little navigation structure is really nice you can click on whichever one of these you want to move to so you can get to it quickly and easily to make those updates and those changes. So if for some reason you made a bunch of changes and you want to get back to maybe our provided defaults you can click on this restore default button. Again this will return all of your values to the Adobe defaults that we have provided so it will change any of the settings that you’ve created and it will store to the Adobe defaults. And then once you save these your features will now get saved so let’s say if I pull in cohort and if I go by day and I build this up this should have the new color palette. And so now I’ve got the new blue color palette that I chose using my user preferences. Again if I want to change any of these I can obviously come in and update my user preferences from here but again user preferences are a great way to customize your individual preferences for how you want to view them within your projects and analysis workspace. So we hope this is helpful saves you some time makes it easier to get your project up and running just how you want in the future. Thanks for your time.

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