See curated clips from the travel & hospitality “super session” at Summit 2019
Aaron Johnson I’m a solution consultant here within Travel and Hospitality. First off, we’re going to look at how we can use a multiple touch points, multiple data points, to saturate a profile.
So our journey starts with Kate, and much like a lot of folks, Kate needs some great ideas for luxury travel. When she goes to her favorite browser and she does her search, this is going to be the first place where we see artificial intelligence at play. We’ve got algorithmic modeling running in the backend to look for folks like Kate, right, look for individuals that have a higher propensity, have a higher opportunity for value. In this case, we’re going to bid a little bit more to be in that very top position. So that when Kate clicks on her link, we’ve got some confidence here that Kate’s the kind of person that we want to attract. On the homepage she sees the shout out here for Santa Monica and the number one ranking or the high ranking for a spa, clicks on the Santa Monica page, bails out, goes to her favorite page. So what we’ve seen there is as she went to the page and as she bailed that page, we’re starting to build an anonymous profile. We start to see some segmentation at play, right? We see a luxury segment identifier, we see a spa segment identifier, we see that we’ve got the device of a desktop that what we’re interacting with so far. First and foremost you know, how she got to the site. The fact that she left on a certain page, if we fast-forward a couple of days, on her favorite retail site, she sees our ad remembers “You know what, I want to book that travel.” And she uses the browser to type the URL, and come to the site, and landing in the homepage.
On the homepage, we’re taking the information that we’ve gathered so far. The fact that Kate was at the site, the fact that she left the factor she’s in, a couple of higher value segments, luxury and spa. This is going to be the second place, where Sensei is going to take over. In other words what it’s doing is from an automated personalization perspective. It’s realizing, what’s happened so far, and it’s made the decision, to take a prominent spot in the very top hero area of the page, and deliver a luxury destination. It works in this case, she’s ready to punch in her dates, when she starts to do so she’s asked to log in. So although everything we’ve done so far has been unknown, as soon as Kate logs in, we now get null.
So all the digital signals that we’ve seen so far we’ve collected the segmentation and so forth, we’re now marrying with backend CRM system. And we’re populating this unified profile and saturating this profile as we move forward, and taking into account, what we solve, what she did, before we knew who she was. Marrying that to what she’s doing now that we do know who she is. And, as you can see across the top there we’re adding some additional segments that she belongs to. Now we get a little bit of insight as to why we wanted to build a little bit higher on that search term for display advertising. Kate goes ahead, and she continues on her booking process. She’s notified that we’re going to send you an email confirmation. Of course, right? And, this is, yet another area where Sensei and our digital strategy is coming into play. What we’re doing here is the template that is used to send the email is device aware. In this case it knows that Kate is opening her email from her mobile device. If you look at the profile we also can’t see any area over there that we know that she’s, installed the mobile app. We’re going to take some prime real estate in the email, and give her an offer, to download that app. She’s going to go ahead and do so.
She goes ahead, and opens, and, initially, is seen as an anonymous user, right? So we got profile, kind of starting over, outside of the fact that we know okay we’ve got a mobile user here. And Kate authenticates, now is of course, within the app are we showing that we know who she is. We’re giving her relevant information. We’re also tying it back to all the desktop behavior in the CRM information, all those other signals that we got.
Kate scrolls through, she sees an event, she goes ahead and, is going to purchase a couple of tickets, for that event.
All added to the itinerary.
We’re going to send another offer, based on the profile, based on her higher value. We’re going to give her an offer to attend an event with a band after the show. She’s going to opt in for that as well, and now, as she scrolls through shes got all of these additional items within her itinerary.
We’re going to go ahead and fast-forward, to where, Kate is, in the Uber. Coming on the property.
As you would expect, right? We’re going to get an alert, “Hey, welcome.” But we’re also going to alert, the staff as well. Within their native app that they used to help serve us. When we look at the profile we see that, in the past she had a problem with an AC unit. We’d know that she has a preference for seventy degrees in her room. So that when she gets to the room, the in-room experience, validates, that we heard that. By showing that, we’ve already set the room to seventy degrees for her. We’re also going to help some, push some notifications around some dinner reservations. Kate’s going to opt in, take a look within the app, she sees a restaurant that she recognizes, it looks interesting, she wants to make sure there’s a gluten free option, so she jumps into the chat bot, asks the chat bot, “Do I have some gluten free option? Why yes we do, also, we’ve got a reservation opening at 6:00 p.m. it’s a couple hours before your show, would you like to take it? Of course.” And now we’re going to share that information that CRM profile of, is now updated. The unified profile is updated. We’re using that information to display in-room.
We’re going to, extend that a little bit in the mobile experience, and that, we’re going to certainly give the alert that your reservation’s coming up in twenty minutes but we’re also going to answer that in value by giving the walking directions from the property to the restaurant, and we’re going to continue to, saturate that profile, with additional information as relevant. Additional integrations, with not just the CRM system per se but, additional systems in this case, Kate made a reservation she supplied her flight number. The hotel gets a notification that there’s a three hour delay, they’re going to have the option now through their own tablet experience for the staff, to notify Kate, that hey, you’ve got a delay she may already know, but in this case, they’re going to offer the opportunity for a late check-out.
Royaler, as part of that experience, she’s given an offer to schedule a massage.
She goes ahead and books that, once she checks out, we’re going to extend now to the post-stay experience.
She’s going to post some pictures to Instagram, being savvy social marketers Sevoi Resorts, sees this, who wouldn’t want to send a survey to somebody that you already know had a really good time. Of course three-hundred extra points for my loyalty program is excellent.
Go ahead and opt in.
Participate in the survey. Submit the survey.
And what we’ve scene, is, the planning. is, the planning. The arrival. Certainly the stay. The post-stay. All of those experiences being brought together the data being used in that unified way, if you don’t have chat bots yet, if you don’t have voice to text, it’s okay. When you’re there, we can help enable it. But the important thing to know is, the technology is, fair today. We were able to listen across all these devices, we were able to impact the unified profile, leverage the data, get the data in and out, as we need to, so with that, I thank you for your time. Shoot it. -