Learn how to get started with Adobe Analytics for mobile apps using templates. Pre-built standard templates help you understand user engagement and app performance metrics in Analysis Workspace. Also, learn how to customize your project with our easy-to-use drag and drop interface.
As a product manager, it’s essential to be efficient creating the right dashboard to direct my metrics, and direct access to my business. In this video, I’ll cover how to get started using Adobe Analytics for mobile apps. Mobile Starter Projects are out of the box templates designed around the most common business and analytics questions for mobile apps. The first step is to navigate to create new project. Here I can find all the templates I can choose from. For this example, I’m going to choose Key Metrics. Key Metrics will help me understand my app engagement and performance metrics that I need to track for my app by providing easy to use yet customizable reports. For example, I can track the number of app users I had over the last 30 days. How many users I had, and how many times my app is launched over the same period of time. It’s important to keep track of my trends because I can act if my user base is shrinking or stagnant. Also, I can track engagement metrics such as number screens per launch and average number of launches per user. Key Metrics report, helps me identify trends anomalies and opportunities to improve my app development.
Also, I can recognize where are my users launching my app from this free from table. Finally, I have critical app performance metrics. From my app updates chart I can know if my users are downloading the new version of my app, how is my app performing through this crashes line chart, and how many users I have on each version so I can focus my effort on where my users are. I can customize any of this visualizations to adopt the project to my specific needs. For example I will include a map visualization to show where are my launches occurring.
I can zoom in to see where is my app activity. As you saw, it is really easy to make changes. Start projects help me save time building new reports and dashboards, and I can quickly start driving insights from my user behavior. I hope you enjoyed Stater Projects for mobile apps.