Manage date ranges

Last update: 2024-10-02
  • Created for:
  • User

You can share, filter, tag, approve, copy, share, and delete date ranges and mark date ranges as favorite from a central Date ranges management interface. To manage date ranges:

  • Select Components in the main interface, then select Date ranges.

Date ranges manager

The Date ranges manager has the following interface elements:

Date ranges interface

Date ranges list

The date ranges list ➊ displays all the date ranges. The list has the following columns:

Column Description
StarOutline Select to favor Star or un-favor StarOutline a date range.
Title and description To edit the title and description, select the title link, which opens the Date range builder.
Owner The owner of the date range.
Tags The tags for this date range.
Shared with The individuals or groups that you shared the date range with. Select to open the Share Date range dialog.
Date modified Displays the date and time that the date range was last modified.

Use ColumnSetting to specify which columns you want to display.

Action bar

You can action on date ranges using the action bar ➋. The action bar contains the following actions:

Icon Action Description
AddCircle Add Add another date range, using the Date range builder.
Search Search by title When no date range is selected in the list, search for date ranges using this search field.
Label Tag Tag the selected date ranges. In the Tag Date range dialog, select or de-select the tags for the selected date ranges. Select Save to save the tags for the selected date ranges.
Share Share Share the selected date ranges. In the Share Date range dialog, you can Search Search individuals or groups or you can select Organization or Groups. Select Save to save share details for the selected date ranges.
Delete Delete Delete the selected date ranges. You are prompted for a confirmation.
Edit Rename Rename a single selected date range. When selected, you can rename the date range inline.
CheckmarkCircle Approve Approve the selected date ranges.
Copy Copy Copy the selected date ranges. New date ranges are created with the same name and suffix (Copy)
FileCSV Export to CSV Export the selected date ranges to a Date ranges List.csv file.

Active filter bar

The filter bar ➌ shows the active filters (if any). You can quickly remove a filter using CrossSize75. If more than one filter is specified, use Remove all to remove all filters.

Filter panel

You can filter date ranges using the Filter left panel ➍. The filter panel displays the type of filter and the number of date ranges that honor the filter. Select Filter to toggle the display of the filter panel.

To filter the list of filters:

  1. Select Filter to open the Filters panel. If you need more space for the Filters list, you can select Filter once more to close the panel.

  2. You can filter the date ranges using any of the available filter sections.


    Items refer to the date range items displayed in the Date ranges list.

Filter sections

Tags Description
Tags The Tags section lets you filter on tags.
  • You can Search Search Tags to search for tags you can use to filter.
  • You can select more than one tag. The tags available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • (1): The number of selected tags (if one or more tags are selected).
    • 2︎⃣: The number of tags available for the items resulting from the current filter.
    • 7︎⃣: The number of items associated with the specific tag.
Owner Description
Owners The Owner section lets you filter on owners.
  • You can Search Search Owners to search for owners you can use to filter.
  • You can select more than one owner. The owners available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • (2): The number of selected owners (if one or more owners are selected).
    • 3︎⃣: The number of owners available for the items resulting from the current filter.
    • 4︎⃣: The number of items associated with the specific owner.
Other filters Description
Other filters The Other filters section lets you filter on other predefined filter.
  • You can select one or more of the following options:
    • Show all
    • Shared with me
    • Mine
    • Approved
    • Favorites
    What you can select depends on your role and permissions.
  • You can select more than one other filter. The other filters available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • (1): The number of selected other filters (if one or more other filters are selected).
    • 5︎⃣: The number of other filters available for the items resulting from the current filter.
    • 4︎⃣: The number of items associated with the specific other filter.

The Date ranges list is automatically updated based on your filter configuration. You can see the configured filters in the Active filter bar.

Edit date ranges

You edit a date range in two ways:

You use the Date range builder to edit the date range.

Use the date range manager to share, rename, or delete date ranges. To reach the date manager:

  1. Log in to using your AdobeID credentials.
  2. Navigate to Components > Date Ranges.

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