Monitor Data Dictionary health

Last update: 2023-11-28
  • Created for:
  • Admin

Customer Journey Analytics administrators are responsible for maintaining a healthy Data Dictionary.

Characteristics of a healthy Data Dictionary

A healthy Data Dictionary is one where all components:

  • Are being used and are gathering data

  • Contain helpful descriptions so users know how best to use them

  • Are free from unnecessary duplicates

  • Are approved by the administrator

Check the health of your Data Dictionary

To identify health issues in your Data Dictionary:

  1. Open an Analysis Workspace project.

  2. Select the Data Dictionary icon on the left side of Analysis Workspace. (Alternate ways of accessing the Data Dictionary are described in “Access the Data Dictionary” in Data Dictionary overview.)

    The Data Dictionary window displays.

    Data Dictionary administrator's view showing Dictionary health

  3. Ensure that the correct data view is selected in the drop-down menu.

  4. On the Dictionary health tab, select View next to any of the following options:

    • components are missing descriptions

    • components have duplicates

    • components have no data connected

    Depending on what you select, the appropriate filter is applied to the Data Dictionary, and only the relevant components are shown.

  5. Edit any of the components to improve the health of the Data Dictionary. For information about how to edit a component in the Data Dictionary, see Edit component entries in the Data Dictionary.

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