By default, each dimension item in the table returns the top 10 items for that dimension.
To change the dimension items returned for each dimension
Select a data block and click Edit data block in the COMMANDS panel.
Click Next to display the Dimensions tab.
Click the … icon next to a component name in the table.
Select Filter dimension in the pop-up menu to display the Filter dimension pane.
Select Most popular or Specific.
Select appropriate options based on the filter type chosen.
Click Apply to add the filter.
Report Builder displays a notification to confirm the added filter.
To display applied filters, hover over a dimension. Dimensions with applied filters display a filter icon to the right of the Dimension name.
There are two ways to filter dimension items: Most popular and Specific.
The Most popular option allows you to dynamically filter dimension items based on metric values. Most popular filtering returns the highest ranked dimension items based on metric values. By default, the first 10 dimensions items are listed, sorted by the first metric added to the data block.
Use the Page and Rows fields to divide data into sequential groups or pages. This allows you to pull ranked row values other than the top-most values into your report. This feature is especially useful for pulling data beyond the 50,000 row limit.
The Page and Rows default settings identify that each page has 10 rows of data. Page 1 returns the top 10 items, page 2 returns the next 10 items, and so on.
The table below lists examples of page and row values and the resulting output.
Page | Row | Output |
1 | 10 | Top 10 items |
2 | 10 | Items 11-20 |
1 | 100 | Top 100 items |
2 | 100 | Items 101-200 |
2 | 50,000 | Items 50,001-100,000 |
In Customer Journey Analytics, some dimensions collect a “no value” entry. This filter allows you to exclude these values from reports. For example, you can create a classification such as the Product Name classification based on the Product SKU key. If a specific product SKU has not been set up with its specific Product Name classification, its Product Name value is set to “no value”.
Include “No value” is selected by default. Deselect this option to exclude entries with no value.
You can filter dimension items based on whether all criteria are met or if any criteria are met.
To set filtering criteria
Select an operator from the drop-down list.
Enter a value into the search field.
Click Add row to confirm the selection and add another criteria item.
Click the delete icon to remove a criteria item.
You can include up to 10 criteria items.
An arrow appears next to the metric used to filter and sort the data block. The direction of the arrow indicates whether the metric is sorted greatest to least or least to greatest.
To change the sort direction, click the arrow next to the metric.
To change the metric used to filter and sort the data block,
Hover over the desired metric component in the Table builder to display additional options.
Click the arrow on the preferred metric.
The Specific option allows you to create a fixed list of dimension items for each dimension. Use the Specific filtering type to specify the exact dimension items to include in your filter. You can select items from a list or from a range of cells.
Select the From list option to search for and select dimension items.
When you select the From list option, the list is populated with dimension items with the most events first.
The Available items list is ordered from dimension items with the most events to those with the least.
Enter a search term in the Add item field to search the list.
To search for an item not included in the last 90 days of data, click Show items for the last 6 months to extend the search.
After data from the past 6 months loads, Report Builder updates the link to Show items for last 18 months.
Select a dimension item.
Selected dimension items are automatically added to the Selected items list.
To delete an item from the list, click the delete icon to remove the item from the list.
To move an item in the list, drag and drop the item or click … to display the move menu.
Click Apply
Report Builder updates the list to show the specific filtering you applied.
Select the From range of cells option to choose a range of cell that contain the list of dimensions items to match.
When you select a range of cells, consider the following restrictions:
Your selection can contain empty cells or cells with values that don’t match with a specific dimension item.
From the Dimensions tab, click the chevron icon next to a dimension name to view the list of dimension items.
You can drag and drop items onto the Table or double-click an item name to add it to the Table builder.