Projects overview

Last update: 2024-10-03
  • Created for:
  • User

Workspace projects allow you to combine panels, visualizations and components to craft your analysis and share with anyone in your organization. Before you start your first project, learn about how to access, navigate and manage your projects.

To access projects in Customer Journey Analytics, select Workspace. The Projects manager lists all the projects that you own or projects that are shared with you. The Project manager with the Project list is also the default landing page for Customer Journey Analytics, unless you have configured otherwise in Preferences.

Project landing page showing the projects list.

Title area

From within title area ➊ you can create a project, create a folder, edit your preferences and show or hide a panel with additional tiles.

  • To show or hide a left panel that allows you to select between Projects and Learning, select Rail.

  • The title shows Projects, optionally added with a path to the folder you have selected. For example Projects > Company Folder. You can select individual subfolder parts to go directly to the specific folder.

  • To show tiles for a Blank project, Blank mobile scorecard, Guided analysis, Open the documentation and Open release notes, select ChevronDown Show more. To hide the area with tiles, select ChevronDown Show less.

  • Based on what you select to show, using the Show selector, you can edit preferences and perform actions on the current folder visible in Projects:

    Action Description
    Create project Select to create a new project.
    Create folder Select to create a new folder.
    UserAdmin Edit preferences Edit preferences for all your projects. When the breadcrumb results in limited space, this action is part of the More submenu.
    Add projects Select to add projects to the current folder. When the breadcrumb results in limited space, this action is part of the More submenu.
    Rename folder Renames the current folder.
    Move folder Moves the current folder.
    Delete folder Deletes the current folder.

Project list

The project list ➋ displays all the projects that you own and that have been shared with you. The list has the following columns:

Column Description
SelectBox When one or more projects are selected, a blue action bar appears at the bottom of the Project interface. See Actions for more details.
StarOutline Select to favor Star or un-favor StarOutline a project.
Title and description To edit the project, select the title link, which opens the Workspace project. Projects shared with you are indicated with Share. Select InfoOutline to display a popup menu with more details on the project. Select More to open a context menu with actions. See Actions for more details.
Type A Workspace project, a FolderUser folder, or a Mobile Scorecard.
Tags The tags applied to the project.
Scheduled Whether a project is scheduled o be emailed to recipients. Options are StatusGreen On or StatusGray Off. See Send project data to others.
Shared link (anyone) Whether a project is shared with anyone, even with people who don’t have access to Analysis Workspace. Options are StatusGreen Active or StatusGray Inactive. See Share a project with anyone (no login required) in Share projects for more information.
Project Role Your role for the project. Options are: Edit, Duplicate, View. See Project roles for more information.
Data view The data view that the project is associated with.
Owner The person who created this project (either you or someone who shared the project with you.)
Shared with Users that the project has been shared with.
Last Modified Date and time when the project was last modified.
Last Opened Date and time when the project was last opened.
Project ID The ID of the project.
Longest Date Range The longest date range of any of the panels or visualizations in the project.
Number of Queries The total number of queries contained in the project.
Location The folder where the project resides.

Hover over any column header to display ChevronDown and select from the context menu:

  • Sort Ascending
  • Sort Descending
  • Resize column. A blue line appears to assist you to resize the column.


You can take actions on one or more projects using the context menu More or the blue action bar.

Icon Action Description
CrossSize75 x selected Unselect your selected projects and folders and remove the blue action bar.
Delete Delete Delete one or more projects or folders. You are prompted for a confirmation.
Share Share Share a project. See Share a project for more information.
Edit Rename Rename a project. Opens a Rename: project name dialog. Enter a new name and select Save.
Copy Copy Copy one or more projects. Project do get the same name and suffix (Copy).
PinOnff Pin or Unpin Pin or unpin one or more projects or folders. Pinned projects and folders appear at the top of the list and ignore the sorting order you specify.
ArrowUp Move up Move a pinned project or folder up in the project list.
ArrowDown Move down Move a pinned project or folder down in the project list.
Label Tag Tag one or more projects or folders. The Tag Components dialog displays to select one or more tags. Select Save to save the tags for the selected projects or folders.
CheckmarkCircle Approve or Unapprove Approve or unapprove a project. Only administrators can approve projects.
FileCSV Export CSV Export the selected projects to a CSV file with name Project List.csv.
ProjectAdd Add Projects Add one or more projects to a selected folder. In Add Projects you can select one or more projects. Select Add to add the projects to the folder. See Add projects to folders for more information.
FolderAddTo Move to Move one or more selected projects to a folder. In the Select Folder, select the folder to move the selected project to and select Move. See Add projects to folders for more information.

Show selector

You can switch the look and feel of the Projects interface using the Show selectors ➌. The Show selector define what options are available in the Title area and what columns are displayed in the Project list.

  • To change the options available for the Title area, select Show All projects or Show Folders & Projects.

  • To define which columns to display for the Project list, select ColumnSetting and from the Customize table dialog select or unselect columns. Select Apply to apply the customization. See Project list for more details on the columns.

Filter panel

You can filter the projects and folders in the Project list using the filter panel ➍. To show or hide the filter panel use Filter.

The filter panel consists of the following sections.


Tags Description
Tags The Tags section lets you filter on tags.
  • You use Search Search Tags to search for tags you want to use to filter.
  • You can select more than one tag. The tags available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • 2︎⃣: The number of tags available for the projects resulting from the current filter.
    • 7︎⃣: The number of projects associated with the specific tag.

Data view

Data view Description
Data views The Data view section lets you filter on data views.
  • You use Search Search Data views to search for data views you want to use to filter.
  • You can select more than one data view. The data views available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • 3︎⃣: The number of data views available for the projects resulting from the current filter.
    • 4︎⃣: The number of projects associated with the specific data view.


Owner Description
Owners The Owner section lets you filter on owners.
  • You use Search Search Owners to search for owners you want to use to filter.
  • You can select more than one owner. The owners available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • 3︎⃣: The number of owners available for the projects resulting from the current filter.
    • 4︎⃣: The number of projects associated with the specific owner.


Type Description
Type The Type section lets you filter on the type of projects or folders.
  • You can select one or more of the following options:
    • folder
    • Workspace project
    • Mobile scorecard
  • You can select more than one other filter. The other filters available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • 5︎⃣: The number of other filters available for the projects resulting from the current filter.
    • 4︎⃣: The number of projects associated with the specific other filter.

Other filters

Other filters Description
Other filters The Other filters section lets you filter on other predefined filter.
  • You can select one or more of the following options:
    • Show all
    • Shared with me
    • Mine
    • Approved
    • Favorites
    What you can select depends on your role and permissions.
  • You can select more than one other filter. The other filters available depend on selections made in other sections in the filter panel.
  • The numbers indicate:
    • 5︎⃣: The number of other filters available for the projects resulting from the current filter.
    • 4︎⃣: The number of projects associated with the specific other filter.

You use the Search area ➎ to search for projects and folders using the Search field. Start typing and the project list automatically filters on your search input.

The Search area also shows the filters applied from the Filter panel.

  • To remove a filter, select CrossSize75 in the filter.
  • To remove all filters, select Clear all.

If space is limited to display the individual filters, you see Filtering by x filters.

  • To remove a filter:

    1. Use x filters ChevronDown top open a context menu listing the types of filters and the individual filters.
    2. Use CrossSize75 to remove a filter.

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